Juice Box

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Revision as of 22:57, 24 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Updating Navigational Bar with Complete Listing)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Consumables -> Food -> Non Perishable Foods -> Juice Box   

A Juice Box is an non-perishable food item which is found in kitchen cupboards.

Nutritional Information

A Juice box provides when drunk completely provides -2 hunger, -13 thirst and -10 unhappiness.

It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 14
Proteins = 0
Lipids = 0
Calories = 60


    item JuiceBox
	Type			= Food,
	DisplayName		= Juice Box,
	Icon			= JuiceBox,
	Weight			= 0.1,
	HungerChange 		= -2,
	ThirstChange		= -13,
	UnhappyChange		= -10,
	CustomContextMenu 	= Drink,
	CustomEatSound 		= PZ_DrinkingFromBottle,
        Carbohydrates 		= 14,
        Proteins 		= 0,
        Lipids 			= 0,
        Calories 		= 60,
        Packaged 		= TRUE,
