Mint Candy

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Revision as of 12:13, 10 May 2018 by Vaileasys (talk | contribs) (fixed container links)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28

The mint candy is a small non-perishable sweet which does more to reduce unhappiness than hunger. As it does so little to reduce hunger, its main role is to reduce the effects of unhappiness. It can often be found in convenience store shelves, as well as houses and sometimes even garbage cans.

Nutritional Information

A Mint Candy provides when completely eaten: -2 hunger and a bonus of 10 to happiness.

Its Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 15
Proteins = 0
Lipids = 0
Calories = 60


    item MintCandy
        Type		= Food,
        DisplayName	= Mint Candy,
        Icon		= MintCandy,
        Weight		= 0.1,
        HungerChange 	= -2,
        UnhappyChange	= -10,
        Carbohydrates 	= 15,
        Proteins 	= 0,
        Lipids 		= 0,
        Calories 	= 60,
