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Revision as of 17:01, 30 May 2013 by GSC (talk | contribs)


Painkillers are usually found within medicine cabinets in bathrooms. They are used to remove pain associated with injuries, and to reverse the adverse effects that come with pain. It is recommended to bring a bottle of painkillers with you at all times, because you never know when your character will get hurt. In addition to that, keep at least 3 or 4 bottles at home, in case your character used up his original bottle or is seriously injured. Taking multiple pills will speed up/strengthen the removal of pain. In the future, the character will face the side effects of drug misuse if consumed excessively.


Removes negative pain moodles, which will help you sleep/fight better.


item Pills
	Type				=			Drainable,
		DisplayName			=			Painkillers,
		Icon				=			PillsPainkiller,
		Weight				=			0.2,
		UseWhileEquipped 	=			false,
