Rolling Pin

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Revision as of 19:17, 3 August 2013 by PombeGeek (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 13376 by Zombieslayer123 (talk) - no new content added. Nothing changed except to rearrange the code which wasn't necessary.)


As of the current version, the rolling pin currently has the same sprite as the baseball bat but has different properties. Since it has the same sprite as the baseball bat, the length and the knockback of the weapon is the same. The major difference between the rolling pin and the baseball bat is that the rolling pin does significantly less damage than the baseball bat. The rolling pin usually won't kill standing enemies but it will be strong enough to either knock them back or send them to the floor to follow up with a killing blow.

Rolling pins are commonly found in kitchens.


Type				=			Weapon,
		DisplayName			=			Rolling Pin,
		SubCategory    		=     Swinging,
		Icon				=			RollingPin,
		MinAngle			=			0,
		MaxDamage			=			1.1,
		MinDamage			=			0.6,
		MaxRange 			= 			1.2,
		MinRange 			= 			0.4,
		CriticalChance		=			10,
		PushBackMod			=			0.5,
		HitAngleMod			=			-30.0,
		SwingAnim			=			Bat,
		MaxHitCount 		=			1,
		WeaponSprite		=			Baseballbat,
		IdleAnim			=			Idle_Weapon2,
		RunAnim				=			Run_Weapon2,
		Weight				=			1.5,
		DoorDamage			=			5,
		MinimumSwingTime 	= 			2.1,
		SwingTime			=			2.1,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 		0.02,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn 	= 	10,
		ConditionMax 		= 			200,
		Categories 			=			Blunt,



RC 2.9.8a Melee weapons debuffed.

See Also
