
From PZwiki
Revision as of 06:37, 29 July 2018 by Vaileasys (talk | contribs) (moved categories to be a variable)
This feature/item is planned in a future version. It either does not exist yet, or does not yet have any known use.
File:Whiskey Half.png
This article or section may be in need of improvement. Editors are encouraged to add any missing information to the article, while verifying that the article's current content is correct.
This article or section does not conform to the standards of the wiki. The pages either don't have the layout that is expected of a page like this, or the page does not provide enough information on its item. The page should be updated to have the standard that's expected, or risk having the page deleted.
This article or section may be outdated. Editors are encouraged to update this section with new information.
It is unknown whether this feature/item is currently in the game, is planned or has yet to be implemented.
This article or section may contain unconfirmed information about future development. It may not be entirely reliable.
This article may need more content. Editors are encouraged to add new material to the page while expanding upon current topics.
This article or section is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. It is not complete.
SPOILER WARNING! This section is likely to contain major spoilers pertaining to the story of Project Zomboid.
This article may have claims which require verification. Editors should verify the article's current content and, while adding content, check new information.
This feature/item is part of the Hydrocraft Mod, and is not present in the vanilla version.
This item or feature has been removed from the game or replaced by something else.