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Revision as of 07:13, 3 September 2011 by Seth.D (talk | contribs)


Traits are modifiers, positive and negative, available to players during Sandbox Mode. Traits are chosen individually and players are also given profession-specific traits.

The individually-chosen traits must have a sum value of 0 (or less) in order to start the game, so if the player chooses positive traits, they are also required to choose negative ones to compensate.

Negative traits

  • Clumsy
"Makes more noise when moving."
Zombies can hear the player from a farther distance than normal.
Adds 1 to spending points

  • Cowardly
"Especially prone to becoming panicked."
Adds 2 to spending points

  • Hypochondriac
"May develop infection symptoms without having been infected."
The player may get the "Queasy" moodle and any subsequent moodles without having been bitten or scratched. The player may also get the "Minor Pain" moodle and any subsequent moodles for no particular reason.
Adds 4 to spending points

  • Weak
"Less knockback from melee weapons
Decreased carrying weight"
Zombies and NPCs will be pushed back less when hit by the player with a melee weapon. The player will also be unable to carry as much weight before becoming encumbered.
Adds 4 to spending points

  • Overweight
"Slower running speed
Tire from running more easily"
The player will run slower and will get the exhaustion moodles more quickly than usual.
Adds 3 to spending points

  • Hearty Appetite
"Needs to eat more regularly"
Adds 2 to spending points

  • Claustrophobic
"Gets panicked when indoors"
Adds 4 to spending points

  • Hard of Hearing
"Smaller perception radius
Smaller hearing range"
The player must be closer to the source of a sound in order to hear it.
Adds 2 to spending points

  • Agoraphobic
"Gets panicked when outdoors"
Adds 4 to spending points

  • Light Drinker
"Gets drunk quickly"
It takes less drinks for the player to get the utterly shit-faced moodle.
Adds 2 to spending points

  • Short Sighted
"Smaller view distance
Slower visibility fade"
Adds 2 to spending points

  • Prone to Illness
"More prone to disease
Faster rate of zombification"
Adds 4 to spending points

Positive traits

  • Graceful
"Makes less noise when moving"
The player must get closer to a zombie in order to get its attention.
Removes 4 from spending points

  • Keen Hearing
"Larger perception radius"
The player can hear sounds from farther away than usual.
Removes 6 from spending points

  • Eagle Eyed
"Faster visibility fade
Higher visibility arc"
Removes 6 from spending points

  • Hardened Drinker
"Doesn't get drunk easily"
It takes more drinks to get the utterly shit-faced moodle.
Removes 3 from spending points

  • Resilent
"Less prone to disease
Slower rate of zombification"
Removes 3 from spending points

  • Strong
"Extra knockback from melee weapons
Increased carrying weight"
Zombies and NPCs hit by the player's melee weapons will be pushed back further. The player can also carry more weight before becoming encumbered.
Removes 6 from spending points

  • Athletic
"Faster running speed

Can run for longer without tiring"

Removes 6 from spending points

  • Light Eater
"Needs to eat less regularly"
Removes 3 from spending points

  • Brave
"Less prone to becoming panicked."
Removes 3 from spending points