Watermelon Chunks

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   Navigation - Index -> Food -> Perishable Foods -> Watermelon Chunks   

A variant of the watermelon, Watermelon Chunks are a perishable food item that is created when you smash a watermelon with a blunt weapon. Watermelon Chunks, like a normal Watermelon, goes bad as time passes. Watermelon chunks take two in-game days to go stale, and three in-game days to become rotten.

Smashing a watermelon instead of slicing it provides less thirst with the resulting pieces than the regular watermelon. Using a bladed weapon to cut the watermelon is a much more efficient use of the watermelon.

Nutritional Information


It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 68.20
Proteins = 5.51
Lipids = 1.35
Calories = 271


Name Recipe Description


	item WatermelonSmashed
		HungerChange		= -12,
		Weight			= 0.6,
		Type			= Food,
		DaysTotallyRotten	= 3,
		ThirstChange		= -25,
		DisplayName		= Watermelon Chunks,
		Icon			= WatermelonSmashed,
		DaysFresh		= 2,
        	Carbohydrates 		= 68.2,
        	Proteins 		= 5.51,
        	Lipids 			= 1.35,
        	Calories 		= 271,
