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< Knox EventKnox Event/zh-hans
— Judge Matt Hass

诺克斯事件是指在游戏开始前发生,并贯穿整个游戏的僵尸爆发事件。事件最先发生于肯塔基州马尔德劳西点镇。该事件被认为发生于1993年7月4日,同时是美国独立日。两天后军队疏散了受影响区域附近的居民,并设立了路障,该行动被称为诺克斯大疏散。 受影响的区域被称为禁区路易斯维尔南部也设立了营地。


时间 事件
  • 空气中出现恶臭
  • 美国庆祝独立日
  • 东部夏令时6:00: 美军阻断了肯塔基州名为“诺克斯郡”的地方的公路连接,且并未告知原因。受阻断的地区包括马尔德劳、西点镇、勃兰登堡及诺克斯堡。[1]
  • 东部夏令时11:00:军队在诺克斯禁区边设置了高围栏与检查点,出入口被封闭。有报告称居民被军队持枪威胁要求转身离开。[2]
  • 东部夏令时13:20: 禁区内发现身穿危险品防护装备的人员。空中活动加剧。[3]
  • 东部夏令时18:00: 军队驱赶了禁区边缘的车辆与居民。部分居民于车辆中休息,其余人沿高速公路向北步行至路易斯维尔。[4]
  • 东部夏令时23:00: 路易斯维尔出现闪电风暴,但没有降雨的报道。[5]
  • 东部夏令时9:00: 禁区内电话线持续中断,几乎不存在禁区内外的通讯。诺克斯电信公司并未进行解释。[6]
  • 东部夏令时10:45: 诺克斯堡与坎贝尔堡的军事人员撤离取消。[7]
  • 东部夏令时12:00: 肯塔基州州长Cal Fairweather谈及关于禁区内爆发疾病的谣言时声称他“与其他人一样身处黑暗之中”。[8]
  • 东部夏令时16:15: 白宫新闻部长否认总统提前从东京G7峰会返回与诺克斯局势有关。[9]
  • 东部夏令时23:00: 一场不寻常的流星雨出现在肯塔基州上空。[10]
  • 东部夏令时9:00: 禁区内电话线持续中断,几乎不存在禁区内外的通讯。诺克斯电信公司仍然未进行解释。 [11]
  • 东部夏令时13:30: 有报告称禁区内正有“轻微疾病”传播。[12]
  • 东部夏令时14:00: 白宫代表声称军事演习是为了准备“长时间军事活动”以应对“安全问题与局部污染”[13]
  • 东部夏令时14:55:由于有关诺克斯事件信息公布的过少,总统被共和党人在国会上强烈谴责。[14]
  • 东部夏令时17:45: 更多军事人员从坎贝尔堡到达。禁飞区已覆盖整个诺克斯郡。[15]
  • 游戏开始,大灾变后3天
  • 东部夏令时9:00: 感染持续恶化的传闻流出,具体细节仍不为公众所知。恐惧和忧虑在电视和收音机频道中传播。[16]
  • 东部夏令时11:00: 诺克斯区域军事人员指挥官John McGrew将军,呼吁人们冷静。他确认了禁区内存在导致“恐慌与困惑”的疾病传播,但声称没有疾病致死的证据。[17]
  • 东部夏令时15:00: 在禁区边缘有枪声出现。[18]
  • 东部夏令时18:00: 总统发表声明,要求人们信任军队、McGrew将军、以及疾控中心(CDC)能够控制“诺克斯病毒”。[19]
  • 东部夏令时23:30: 前CDC官员Jeff Galbraithe博士表示长久以来对于CDC的预算削减以及CDC内部的内斗会阻碍其对诺克斯病毒爆发的影响。[20]
  • 东部夏令时9:30: 与军队一起工作的Jake Wilson教授声称疾病的传播已被“减缓”。[21]
  • 东部夏令时12:00: CDC否认了Jeff Galbraithe博士的说法,并认为他这么说是为了“弥补因在罗利市抗疫不力而被免职”。[22]
  • 东部夏令时13:30: CDC删除了先前的叙述,并解释称该内容是“未经授权发布的”。CDC很尊重Galbraithe博士的公正,并列举了他在CDC工作的数年中取得的许多重大成就。[23]
  • 东部夏令时15:00: 英国首相就关于诺克斯事件“几乎完全缺乏透明度”向美国总统表示谴责。


  • 东部夏令时16:00: 华盛顿局势动荡,抗议者要求了解诺克斯事件的信息,白宫前的抗议游行以警察逮捕数人告终。[25]
  • 东部夏令时0:00: “诺克斯事件”缺乏信息使美国全境的愤怒发酵,在华盛顿特区、纽约洛杉矶都出现了骚乱。 [26]
  • 东部夏令时5:15: 总统发表声明,他强烈谴责骚乱人群,并声称当他获得信息时会向公众提供诺克斯事件的“所有信息”。[27]
  • 东部夏令时9:00: 恐慌性购物的潮水席卷了美国。所有主要商品都为短缺状态,包括厕纸。[28]
  • 东部夏令时12:30: 欧盟建议成员国关闭进出关口。[29]
  • 东部夏令时13:30: 世界卫生组织建议全球所有非军事或非医疗用航班从18:00起禁飞。该举动被广泛批评,但所有人都服从了建议。[30]
  • 东部夏令时13:35: 由于世卫组织的建议,全球股市暴跌。[31]
  • 东部夏令时14:00: 总统发表声明称世卫组织的建议“不利于经济发展”并声称诺克斯事件“已得到控制”。[32]
  • 东部夏令时19:30: 诺克斯禁区边界拓宽,更多居民被迫离开。[33]
  • 维和部队驻扎在全国各地。
  • 诺克斯堡军事基地被废弃,隔离单元被解锁但士兵不知踪迹。(直到7月13日才被公众所知)
  • 东部夏令时00:00: 骚乱在全美众多城市中爆发,已确认纽约至少一人死亡,迈阿密有众多受伤。已派出军队支援警察。[34]
  • 东部夏令时8:15: 禁区内有人传出无线电信号,声称情况比军队宣称的更为严峻。狙击手射杀平民的指控出现。[35]
  • 东部夏令时8:30: 总统宣布在众多大城市内从今晚18:00起实行宵禁。[36]
  • 东部夏令时9:17: 大地震袭击了日本北海道沿岸。[37]
  • 东部夏令时12:00: 美军在纽约、洛杉矶、迈阿密等城市设立了临时设施。[38]
  • 东部夏令时18:00: 美国全境的大城市正式实行宵禁。[39]
  • 东部夏令时19:00: 诺克斯禁区内西点镇传出的照片引发了新的恐慌。照片中有一位被肢解的年轻人,却仍然活着,站在堆满尸体的大街上。 [40]
  • 未知无线电频道 可在禁区外被收听到(频率: 107.6 MHz).
  • 东部夏令时11:00: 媒体采访了许多从军队的囚禁中释放的禁区幸存者,了解到感染者会“猎捕”活人,并通过啃咬和其他极端暴力行为传播病毒。[41]
  • 东部夏令时12:15: 38国在联合国发表联合声明,谴责美国当局对于诺克斯事件细节“完全缺乏透明度”[42]
  • 东部夏令时15:30: 梵蒂冈城的卫兵要求所有游客撤离并关闭城市,尽管这违背了教皇的意愿。[43]
  • 东部夏令时16:00: 宵禁范围扩大至芝加哥、圣地亚哥、巴尔的摩。[44]
  • 东部夏令时17:00: 沙特阿拉伯宣布伊斯兰教最神圣的城市麦加将实行疏散并“保护起来”。[45]
  • 东部夏令时19:30: McGrew将军发表演讲,声称“没有必要继续恐慌”,患者都“没有死亡”,对解药的研究正在进行。[46]
  • 未知来源的信号干扰影响了收音机与电视广播。
  • 感染被确认通过体液交换传播。
  • 出于未知原因,军队允许禁区内幸存者进入路易斯维尔南部的主营地。
  • 美国本土宣布戒严。
  • 东部夏令时1:30: 总统穿过愤怒的人群,离开了白宫。[47]
  • 早晨在路易斯维尔南部的主禁区营地中,一名士兵开火,杀死了两名手无寸铁的平民。愤怒的抗议者也被军方鸣枪威胁和使用催泪弹而被驱散。
  • 数百至数千名感染者突破了边界的防守,使该区域尸横遍野。军队退出边界。
  • 禁区外的人在没有体液交换的情况下也开始出现症状。
  • 俄亥俄河上的关键桥梁与过河途径都被军队拆除或阻挡,试图借此控制疾病爆发。
  • 东部夏令时05:05 纽约的国民警卫队部队尝试保护赖克斯岛监狱建筑群。[48]
  • 东部夏令时08:00 澳大利亚首相在新闻发布会上看上去很明显病了。[49]
  • 东部夏令时09:15 朝鲜摧毁、阻挡将其与中国相连的桥梁、道路。[50]
  • 东部夏令时09:30 托雷洪空军基地伤检分流站,来自西班牙首都马德里的难民泛滥。[51]
  • 东部夏令时10:00 伊斯坦布尔应急服务机构通过在贞女塔建立疏散中心来利用邻近岛屿,与此同时基纳里阿达岛变成了一个受染尸体销毁场地。[52]
  • 东部夏令时12:00 诺克斯感染在埃及开罗范围内的杰济拉岛(宰马利克岛)、罗达岛、Qorsa以及其他地区被发现。[53]
  • 东部夏令时15:00 俄罗斯政府离开莫斯科,前往亚曼托山。[54]
  • 东部夏令时05:18 诺克斯感染正横跨全球、不受控制地传播着。[55]
  • 东部夏令时08:00 青函隧道被日本军方摧毁,留下数千人在北海道岛和本州岛两岛受困。[56]
  • 东部夏令时10:00 韩国摧毁汉江大桥。[57]
  • 东部夏令时13:00 军方摧毁了一艘疑似载有感染者的游轮,洛杉矶港因此遭受巨大破坏。[58]
  • 东部夏令时05:45 对抗感染者大军的战略性战役在世界各地出现。[59]
  • 东部夏令时09:00 泰国政府核心成员试图通过直升机撤离至蒲屏皇宫。他们的命运不得而知。[60]
  • 东部夏令时13:00 德国巴伐利亚地区的新天鹅堡由于一名免疫居民被误判的撕裂伤陷落于诺克斯空气传播感染。[61]
  • 东部夏令时15:30 葡萄牙里斯本附近的摩尔人城堡(摩尔城遗迹)邻近地区发生了与感染者的激烈战斗。[62]
  • 东部夏令时07:00 波兰华沙的维拉努夫宫着火。[63]
  • 东部夏令时09:00 撤离的官员试图在诺曼底圣米歇尔山所在的岛屿重建法国首都。[64]
  • 东部夏令时12:00 诺克斯病在地球上的每个国家都有被发现。[65]
  • 东部夏令时09:00 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的武装部队撤退至马德罗港附近的防御边界。[66]
  • 东部夏令时10:00 荷兰政府采取大水漫灌阿姆斯特丹的措施,试图减缓感染。[67]
  • 东部夏令时11:46 成百上千万的难民加速了诺克斯感染的传播。[68]
  • 东部夏令时12:00 现在地球人口的大多数都罹患了诺克斯感染。[69]
  • 东部夏令时08:00 格陵兰首都努克的火焰熊熊燃烧。难民的小船被发现往返于该岛。[70]
  • 东部夏令时'12:21' 全世界的电波开始沉寂时,恐惧的叫喊声淹没了它们。[71]
  • 东部夏令时10:00 中国故宫已被确认感染者泛滥成灾。与中央军事指挥部的联系已丢失。[72]
  • 东部夏令时13:47 寰球各地,成万上亿人死于诺克斯感染。[73]
  • 东部夏令时12:00 几乎每个人都陷落于诺克斯感染。只有小群免疫的幸存者还在。[74]


  • 感染出现数周前空气中持续存在恶臭,许多人相信这就是得病的原因,只要那臭味进入你的肺,你就完了。
    "你在空气中能闻得到。这味道已经有好几个礼拜了,它还进了你的肺。这就是原因。" - Christian: KnoxTalk的播音员
  • 许多人相信是斯皮福汉堡的肉里的东西引发了感染。或许是升级版的疯牛病。
    "我已经警告人们好几年了,那东西在肉里。我们一直在用牛的同类喂牛。这错误折叠的阮病毒。脑浆做的饲料再次流回食物链,这些阮病毒已经在牛体内繁衍了无数代。诺克斯病毒显然是一种神经系统疾病。" - Peter Endsleigh教授
  • 信教的人们相信人类是在为自己所做的罪恶付出代价,而诺克斯病毒是上帝创造的。
    "结局将至,美国有罪。每次我看向街上,我看到的都是罪恶与堕落。这是一个被罪人所腐坏的国家。" - Pastor Samuels
  • 病毒爆发距离独立日如此之近不可能是巧合,这一定是恐怖袭击。
    "恐怖袭击,一定是恐怖袭击。他们已经筹备了数年,这就是他们的时刻。" - Francine: KnoxTalk的播音员




  1. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 6, 1993, 0600 EDT.

    US military blocks roads in area of Kentucky nicknamed 'Knox Country'. No reason is given. Areas within blockade include Muldraugh, West Point, Brandenburg, and Fort Knox itself."
  2. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 6, 1993, 1100 EDT.

    Military personnel erect fences and checkpoints within the Knox Exclusion Zone. Entrance and exit are forbidden. Reports of residents being turned away at gunpoint."
  3. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 6, 1993, 1320 EDT.

    Personnel in hazmat gear are seen within the Exclusion Zone. Air activity increases."
  4. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 6, 1993, 1800 EDT.

    Military clears traffic and members of the public from perimeter of Exclusion Zone.

    Some residents sleep in their cars, others walk north along highway to Louisville."
  5. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 6, 1993, 2300 EDT.

    Lightning storms over Louisville.

    No rain reported."
  6. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 7, 1993, 0900 EDT.

    Phoneline outage continues within Exclusion Zone. Communication with Zone impossible.

    Knox Telecommunications provides no comment."
  7. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 7, 1993, 1045 EDT.

    Fort Knox and Fort Campbell cancel leave for military personnel."
  8. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 7, 1993, 1200 EDT.

    Kentucky Governor Cal Fairweather claims he is "in the dark like everyone else" regarding rumors of illness outbreak inside the Exclusion Zone."
  9. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 7, 1993, 1615 EDT.

    White House Press Secretary denies President's early return from G7 summit in Tokyo related to Knox situation."
  10. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 7, 1993, 2300 EDT.

    Unusually bright meteor shower spotted over Kentucky."
  11. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 8, 1993, 0900 EDT.

    Phoneline outage continues within Exclusion Zone. Communication with Zone impossible.

    Knox Telecommunications provides no comment."
  12. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 8, 1993, 1330 EDT.

    Reports of "mild sickness" spreading among some who have been left inside the Exclusion Zone."
  13. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 8. 1993, 1400 EDT.

    White House representatives claim military maneuvers part of 'long held and long term strategy' to deal with 'security events and localized contamination'."
  14. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 8, 1993, 1455 EDT.

    President heavily criticized by Republicans in Congress for lack of statement on the Knox Event."
  15. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 8, 1993, 1745 EDT.

    More military personnel arrive from Fort Campbell.

    No-fly zone established over Knox."
  16. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 9, 1993, 0900 EDT.

    Rumors of continued escalation of the infection. Exact details remains unknown to the public.

    Civilian channels spread fear and concern."
  17. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 9, 1993, 1100 EDT.

    General John McGrew, commander of Knox Zone personnel, appeals for calm, confirms sickness within Zone leads to "panic and confusion" but claims no evidence of fatalities."
  18. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 9, 1993, 1500 EDT.

    Gunshots heard within the Exclusion Zone close to the border perimeter."
  19. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 9, 1993, 1800 EDT.

    President issues statement, states faith in military, General McGrew, and Center for Disease Control to control 'Knox Virus'."
  20. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 9, 1993, 2330 EDT.

    Former CDC official Dr. Jeff Galbraithe claims chronic CDC underfunding and bureaucratic infighting will hamper response to Knox outbreak."
  21. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 10, 1993, 0930 EDT.

    Professor Jake Wilson, working with the military, claims transmission of the illness has 'slowed'."
  22. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 10, 1993, 1200 EDT.

    The CDC criticizes Dr. Jeff Galbraithe for claims, say Galbraithe trying to 'score points due to his dismissal following Raleigh outbreak.'"
  23. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 10, 1993, 1330 EDT.

    The CDC retracts their previous statement, which they say was "released without authorization. We all respect Dr. Galbraithe's candor, along with his many major achievements during his years at the CDC.""
  24. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 10, 1993, 1500 EDT.

    UK Prime Minister criticizes US President for a 'near complete lack of clarity' about the Knox Event."
  25. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 10, 1993, 1600 EDT.

    Unrest in Washington as protestors demand answers about Knox Event.

    Proposed march on White House cancelled as police make arrests."
  26. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 0000 EDT.

    Anger brews throughout US about lack of information on the 'Knox Event'.

    Riots in Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles."
  27. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 0515 EDT.

    President gives statement denouncing riots, claims he will provide "full information" about Knox Event when he has it."
  28. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 0900 EDT.

    Waves of panic buying throughout the US.

    Shortages of many major goods, including toilet paper."
  29. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 1230 EDT.

    European Community advises member states to close internal and external borders."
  30. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 1330 EDT.

    World Health Organization advises all non-military or medical flights worldwide be grounded from 6pm.

    The move is criticized by airlines, but all say they will comply with the advice."
  31. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 1335 EDT.

    Stock markets plunge worldwide following WHO advice."
  32. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 1400 EDT.

    President issues statement calling WHO's advice "economically unsound" and that Knox Event "is contained"."
  33. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 11, 1993, 1930 EDT.

    Knox Exclusion Zone boundary widened.

    More residents forcibly displaced."
  34. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 12, 1993, 0000 EDT.

    Riots in many American cities. At least one killed in New York, many injured in Miami.

    Military personnel are called in to help police."
  35. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 12, 1993, 0815 EDT.

    Civilian radio transmission comes from within Zone, alleges situation much more serious than military claims.

    Accusations of sniper fire on civilians are made."
  36. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 12, 1993, 0830 EDT.

    President announces curfew in major cities from 6pm this evening."
  37. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 12, 1993, 0917 EDT.

    Major earthquake strikes off the coast of Hokkaido, Japan."
  38. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 12, 1993, 1200 EDT.

    US military set up temporary installations in New York, Los Angeles, Miami and other cities."
  39. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 12, 1993, 1800 EDT.

    Curfew comes into effect in major cities across US."
  40. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 12, 1993, 1900 EDT.

    New wave of panic unleashed by photo from West Point, in Knox Event Zone.

    Photo shows young man, dismembered but still living, in street full of dead bodies."
  41. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 13, 1993, 1100 EDT.

    Media interviews with numerous survivors released from military captivity within Zone paint grim picture of hundreds of infected "hunting" the living, spreading the infection through bites and other acts of extreme violence."
  42. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 13, 1993, 1215 EDT.

    38 nations issue joint statement through United Nations denouncing "complete lack of clarity" from American authorities over details of the Knox Event."
  43. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 13, 1993, 1530 EDT.

    Vatican City's Swiss Guard orders all visitors to the city to evacuate and the city to be closed, against the wishes of the Pope."
  44. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 13, 1993, 1600 EDT.

    Curfew announced for Chicago, San Diego, Baltimore."
  45. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 13, 1993, 1700 EDT.

    Saudi Arabia announces Mecca, Islam's holiest city, will be evacuated and "secured"."
  46. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 13, 1993, 1930 EDT.

    General McGrew gives speech, states there is "no need for further panic", sufferers are "not deceased", and search for cure is ongoing."
  47. The Knox Event in Real Time: "July 14, 1993, 0130 EDT.

    President leaves White House, passing through angry crowds."
  48. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... York attempt to sec-... <bzzt> -iker's Islan-... <fzzt>

  49. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... -stralian Prime Minister looks visibly ill during... <bzzt>

  50. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt>... 0915 EDT.

    North Korea destroys bridges and blocks roads linking it with...

  51. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... Torrejón Air Base... <bzzt> ... refugees from... <bzzt>
  52. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... Maiden's Tower, while Kınalıada... <bzzt>
  53. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... Gezira, Roda Island, Qorsa... <bzzt>

  54. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt>... -sian government leaves Moscow for Mount Yaman- ... <bzzt>

  55. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt>

    ... spreading...

  56. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... Seikan Tun-... <bzzt> -royed by... <bzzt>

    ... thousand trap- <fzzt>

  57. The Knox Event In Real Time: July 20, 19-... <bzzt>

    ... -outh Korea destroys Han... <fzzt> ... bridg-... <fzzt>

  58. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt> ... Angeles Por-... <fzzt> ... -ssive dama-... <bzzt>

  59. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt> ... battles...<fzzt>
  60. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt>... 21... <bzzt>

    ... Government attempt evacu-... <fzzt> ... -icopter to Bhubing Palace.

    Their... <fzzt> ... unknown...
  61. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... -schwanstein Castle in... <bzzt> ... -alls to... <fzzt>

  62. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... -tense... <bzzt> ... -cinity... <fzzt> ... -astle of the Moo-... <bzzt>

  63. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... Wilanów Pal... <bzzt> ... fire... <fzzt>

  64. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt> ... attempt to... <fzzt> ... -nt-Saint-Michel in... <fzzt>

  65. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt> ... sickness now... <fzzt>... every nati- ... <bzzt>

  66. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt> ... back... <fzzt> -uerto Madero... <bzzt>

  67. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... -flooding Amster-... <fzzt> ... attempt to slow the... <bzzt>

  68. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt>

    <fzzt> ... millions of... <bzzt>

  69. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt>... 24, 1993. <bzzt>

    <fzzt>... -jority of the Earth's pop- <bzzt>

  70. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... blaz-... <bzzt> ... Nuuk.

    Boats... <fzzt>

  71. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt> ... horror... <bzzt>
  72. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... -bidden City confirmed over-... <bzzt>

    ... -tact lost with Central Military Com-... <fzzt>

  73. The Knox Event In Real Time: <bzzt> ... across... <fzzt>

  74. The Knox Event In Real Time: <fzzt> ... -most every-... <bzzt> ... to the Knox... <fzzt>

    <bzzt> Small gr-... <bzzt> ... immune survivors rem-... <fzzt>
