Boring Soup

From PZwiki

Boring Soup

Although not the tastiest food item, the boring soup is very nutritious. It takes out a good amount of hunger, unhappiness, and boredom. It is crafted with 3 units of Water, a Cooking Pot and one Recipe ingredients. Can be enhanced by cooking.


Moodles: -5
Hungry: -42
Unhappy: -10


Name Recipe Description


item BoringSoup
	Type = Food,
	DisplayName = Boring Soup,
	Icon = PotFull,
	Weight = 6,
	IsCookable = true,
	MinutesToCook = 50,
	MinutesToBurn = 100,
	HungerChange = -42,
	BoredomChange = -5,
	UnhappyChange = -10,
	ReplaceOnUse = Pot
