Dog Food

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Revision as of 02:04, 13 November 2013 by Fuebar (talk | contribs) (-- added image param)

Dogfood is a consumable item; it must first be opened with a Can Opener. After it is opened, Dogfood WILL expire. Consuming Dogfood takes away 30 hunger but confers a +50 penalty to Unhappiness.


Can be found in houses in kitchen cupboards.


item Dogfood Open
HungerChange	=	-30,
		Weight	=	1,
		Type	=	Food,
		DaysTotallyRotten	=	7,
		UnhappyChange	=	50,
		DisplayName	=	Open Dogfood,
		Icon	=	DogfoodOpen,
		DaysFresh	=	5,
