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Revision as of 15:06, 26 June 2023 by Vaileasys (talk | contribs) (WIP: combining plantain poultice)
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Plantain Plantain Poultice
Category First Aid
Heavy Load
0.1 (Plantain)
0.2 (Poultice)
Function Heals wounds
Technical details
Base ID Base.Plantain
Aids recovery from wounds when applied as a poultice.
— Plantain in-game tooltip

Plantain is a forageable herb used in first aid.


Plantain, when crafted into a poultice, can be used on wounds, increasing the healing rate. The rate in which it increases is dependent on a factor calculated relevant to the level of the first aid skill. This factor is a random number between (first aid level + 1) * 0.5 and (first aid level + 1) * 1.0 + 10. So, a first aid skill of 0 will result in a factor between 10.5 and 11, whereas a first aid skill of 10 will be between 15.5 and 21.

Healing rate

It is uncertain how effective plantain poultice is at assisting wound recovery, if at all. During testing in build 41.78.16 there was no difference in wound recovery rate when using plantain poultice, compared to without, for both a scratch and deep wound (without stitches). It was found that a scratch will heal approximately 0.6 units every minute (approx. 10-12 total units), whereas a deep wound will heal approximately 0.02 units every minute (approx. 15-20 total units). Results were the same with and without the poultice applied, level 0 and 10 first aid skill, no assisted recovery (i.e. bandages), on the left forearm, default time settings, and maximum player stats. However, further testing needs to be completed to determine the effect of the poultice.


Product XP gained Skill(s) Recipe Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2
Plantain Poultice
0 XP none Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and Pestle
Plantain x5


Main article: Foraging
This article may need more content.
Editors are encouraged to add new material to the page while expanding upon current topics.



From newitems.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/)

Plantain PlantainPlantago.png Retrieved: Build 41.78.16

    item Plantain
        DisplayCategory = FirstAid,
        Weight	=	0.1,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=	Plantain,
        Icon	=	PlantainPlantago,
        Tooltip = Tooltip_Plantain,
        WorldStaticModel = MedicinalHerbsLeafBundle,

Plantain Poultice MashedHerbs.png Retrieved: Build 41.78.16

     item PlantainCataplasm
        DisplayCategory = FirstAid,
        Weight	=	0.2,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=	Plantain Poultice,
        Icon	=	MashedHerbs,
        Tooltip = Tooltip_Plantain,
        WorldStaticModel = Poultice,

See also

Template:Navbox medical