Pot of Soup

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Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Index -> Food -> Perishable Foods -> Pot of Soup   

A Pot of Soup is perishable food item which is crafted from a canned tin of soup and a empty cooking pot.
A Pot of Soup can be divided into 4 bowls, and takes three in-game days to go stale, and five in-game days to rot, which is longer than a open can of soup from which it is created.

Nutritional Information


It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 20
Proteins = 7.5
Lipids = 2.5
Calories = 125

Evolved Recipes

The below values represent a pot of cooked soup (fresh) being divided between bowls.

Evolved Recipes
Name Hunger Added Boredom Bonus Unhappiness Bonus
2 Bowls of Soup -15 hunger, -10 unhappiness, -5 boredom,
4 Bowls of Soup -9 hunger, -5 unhappiness, -2 boredom,


	item PotOfSoup
		HungerChange	=	-30,
		Weight	=	4,
		Type	=	Food,
		IsCookable	=	TRUE,
		UnhappyChange	=	-20,
		MinutesToBurn	=	100,
		DisplayName	=	Pot of Soup,
		ReplaceOnUse	=	Pot,
		Icon	=	PotFull,
		MinutesToCook	=	50,
		BoredomChange	=	-10,
        	DaysTotallyRotten	=	5,
        	DaysFresh = 3,
        	CustomContextMenu = Drink,
        	CustomEatSound = PZ_DrinkingFromBottle,
        	Carbohydrates = 20,
        	Proteins = 7.5,
        	Lipids = 2.5,
        	Calories = 125,
