Game time

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ModdingGame time
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This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Game time in Project Zomboid is dependent on the Time setting in sandbox, by default 1 real life hour equals to 1 in-game day. See the table below for details.

Real time vs. game time

Real time vs. game time
Real time (24h) Game time (24h)
00:01:00 00:24:00
00:02:00 00:48:00
00:03:00 01:12:00
00:04:00 01:36:00
00:05:00 02:00:00
00:06:00 02:24:00
00:07:00 02:48:00
00:08:00 03:12:00
00:09:00 03:36:00
00:10:00 04:00:00
... ...
01:00:00 24:00:00
Game time vs. real time
Game time (24h) Real time (24h)
01:00:00 00:02:30
02:00:00 00:05:00
03:00:00 00:07:30
04:00:00 00:10:00
05:00:00 00:12:30
06:00:00 00:15:00
07:00:00 00:17:30
08:00:00 00:20:00
09:00:00 00:22:30
10:00:00 00:25:00

World dates

  • Defaults of class: 2012,7,22,9,0
  • Zombie Outbreak: 1993,6,8,9,0
  • Game start: StartYear, StartMonth, StartDay, StartTimeOfDay, 0

*these are persistent values based on the sandbox start values

GameTime class

GameTime is the main class for time and date functions.

GameTime instance

getGameTime() returns the actual instance, GameTime.instance from Lua is not the same and has the defaults of the class.

Calendar and date functions

*Month, Day are used like indexes starting from 0, increase / lower them by 1 where needed

Calculate time difference by using calendar functionality

local timeCalendar = getGameTime():getCalender()
local currentTime = timeCalendar:getTimeInMillis()

--safe to do on GameTime instance calendar but you can get a new calendar instead with Calendar.getInstance()
local dateTime = timeCalendar:getTimeInMillis()

--calculate and do things on difference
local dt = math.abs(currentTime - dateTime)
print("Calculated Time Difference: ",dt)
local minMod, hourMod, dayMod = 1000*60, 1000*60*60, 1000*60*60*24
local days = math.floor(dt/dayMod)
if days ~= 0 then
	print("D: ",days)
	dt = dt % dayMod
local hours = math.floor(dt/hourMod)
if hours ~= 0 then
	print("H: ",hours)
	dt = dt % hourMod
local minutes = math.floor(dt/minMod)
if minutes ~= 0 then
	print("M: ",minutes)
	dt = dt - minutes*minMod

Cross class functionality

  • Updates the helicopter values for day, start & end time. Calls the helicopter pickRandomTarget.
  • ErosionSeason also has dawn, dusk times which are more accurate and use float type.


  • Project Zomboid uses the PZCalendar class for calendar, which has available a minimal number of functions from the java Calendar class. The Kahlua has a very similar functionality and can be somewhat limited as well, especially when it comes to locales.
  • You can get the real time by using the Calendar.getInstance() which always return a new PZCalendar object with current time or the os.time function. However game functions should rarely require these.
  • 41.68 - When Using the Event EveryHours, the getNightsSurvived and getWorldAgeHours will be lower by a day, every day at 7.

See also