Broccoli Chicken Casserole

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Revision as of 09:25, 6 June 2012 by (talk)

The broccoli chicken casserole is a costly item that requires a broccoli, a chicken, a cheese, and a roasting pan. It reduces the same amount of hunger it normally would if eaten separately, but it will also reduce boredom at the cost of adding more weight to the inventory.


Moodles: -15
Hungry: -100


Name Recipe Description


item BCCCasserole
	Type = Food,
	DisplayName = Broccoli Chicken Casserole,
	Icon = RoastingpanFull,
	Weight = 4,
	IsCookable = true,
	MinutesToCook = 40,
	MinutesToBurn = 80,
	HungerChange = -100,
	BoredomChange = -15,
	ReplaceOnUse = RoastingPan,
	DaysFresh = 2,
	DaysTotallyRotten = 4,
	DangerousUncooked = true
