Dry Ramen Noodles

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Revision as of 08:40, 29 March 2015 by Unmog (talk | contribs)

A bunch of dry ramen noodles, eating them unmodified will replenish little hunger and will add thirst to your character.

It can be used as an ingredient in cooking soups and stews.

Found in kitchen cupboards.


Hungry: -20
Moodles: +40


You can use Dry Ramen Noodles to make a Pot of Ramen Noodle Soup by right clicking a Cooking Pot full of water, and then using a cooking source to cook it. One pot of Ramen Noodle Soup can fill four bowls. Each bowl has two servings.

Fresh Cooked Bowl of Ramen Noodle Soup

Hungry: ?
Moodles: ?
Moodles: -10
Unhappy: -20


item Ramen
	Type				=			Food,
	DisplayName			=			Dry Ramen Noodles,
	Icon				=			Ramen,
	Weight				=			0.2,
	HungerChange 		=			-20,
	ThirstChange		=			40
