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The inventory and inventory management forms a crucial part of the game. The invenory can be used to eqiup, craft, wear and eat items that have been collected throughout the game world.

Equipment From the inventory interface the player can choose items in their inventory to equip in either their primary or secondary slot. Equipment can include such things as guns, bats, slicing and stabbing weapons, tissues (to muffle sneezes during a cold) bags, hammers, trowels and gardening spray cans. While the weapons all offer an attack funtionality, some of these also offer secondary uses when equiped. The fire axe allows you to chop down trees, the sledgehammer allows you to knock down player constructed walls, the hammer allows you to perform carpentry actions and the trowel allows you to farm.

The inventory displays the items the player has collected. Clicking on a storage object found throughout the game world will also display that object's inventory. In previous versions, double clicking on an item in the storage object's inventory would automatically add that item to the player inventory. This action removed the need to drag and drop items directly into the player inventory panel or on to the inventory icon. In recent versions, a single click will perform the same action - whether removing items from the player inventory and adding those items to the displayed storage inventory, or vice versa.

Finding bags will reduce weight when items are placed in them.

Picking up items, moving items to or from bags, and in or out of the player inventory all take time. Equipping items (e.g. clothes, weapons) reduces its weight from the inventory.

Here, the player is moving the jar of peanut butter from a cupboard (on the right) to their inventory (on the left). Looting items takes time, and the character's progress is indicated by the green bar over the item icon.