Peanut Butter Sandwich

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Revision as of 03:19, 23 December 2015 by PigFlyer (talk | contribs)

The Peanut Butter Sandwich is a perishable food item that goes bad as time passes. It can be found inside refrigerators or cupboards in houses and bake shops. Peanut Butter Sandwiches take two in-game days to go stale, and four in-game days to rot.

Nutritional Information



item PeanutButterSandwich

		HungerChange		=	-40,
		Weight			=	0.4,
		Type			=	Food,
		UnhappyChange		=	-10,
		DisplayName		=	Peanut Butter Sandwich,
		Icon			=	Sandwich_peanut,
		DaysFresh		=	2,
		DaysTotallyRotten	=	4,
