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<noinclude>{{Documentation}}[[Category:Language templates]]</noinclude><includeonly>{{#switch:{{{1|}}}
<!-- Other -->
| Read more = 閱讀更多

<!-- Months -->
<!-- Months -->
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<!-- Medical -->
<!-- Medical -->
| Medical = 醫療
| Pharmaceuticals = 藥品
| Herbal Remedies = 草藥學
| Medical Equipment = 醫療設備
| Adhesive Bandages = OK蹦
| Adhesive Bandages = OK蹦
| Bandaid = OK蹦
| Bandage = 繃帶
| Bandage = 繃帶
| Sterilized Bandage = 消毒繃帶
| Sterilized Bandage = 消毒繃帶
Line 26: Line 29:
| Sleeping Tablets = 安眠藥
| Sleeping Tablets = 安眠藥
| Antibiotics = 抗生素
| Antibiotics = 抗生素
| Suture Needle = 縫合針
| Tweezers = 鑷子
| Antidepressants = 抑鬱藥
| Beta Blockers = B型阻斷劑
| Vitamins = 維他命

<!-- Skills -->
<!-- Skills -->
Line 33: Line 41:
| Long Blade = 大型刀刃
| Long Blade = 大型刀刃
| Short Blade = 小型刀刃
| Short Blade = 小型刀刃
| Axe =
| Axe = 斧頭
| Spear = 矛
| Spear = 矛
| Aiming = 瞄準
| Aiming = 瞄準
| Reloading = 裝彈
| Reloading = 裝彈
| Carpentry = 大工仕事
| Carpentry = 木工
| Cooking = 烹飪
| Cooking = 烹飪
| Farming = 農耕
| Farming = 農耕
Line 48: Line 56:
| Foraging = 採集
| Foraging = 採集
| First Aid = 醫療
| First Aid = 醫療
| Accuracy = 準度
| Accuracy = 瞄準
| Guard = 防禦能力
| Guard = 防禦能力
| Firearm = 槍械
| Firearm = 槍械
| Strength = 耐力
| Strength = 耐力
| Fitness = フィットネス
| Electricity = 電工
| Electricity = 電工
| Electrical = 電工
| Mechanics = 機工
| Mechanics = 機工
| Smithing = 鍛造
| Smithing = 鍛造
| Metalworking = 金工
| Metalworking = 金工
| Tailoring = 裁縫

<!-- Item Definitions -->
<!-- Item Definitions -->
| Item = 物品
| Item = 物品
| Food = 食料
| Drainable = 消耗品
| Drainable = 消耗品
| Literature = 文書
| Weapon = 武器
| Weapon = 武器
| Weapon Part = 武器零件
| Weapon Part = 武器零件
| Clothing = 服裝
| Clothing = 服裝
| Ammo = 彈藥
| Icon = Icon
| Icon = Icon
| Effect = 效果
| Effect = 效果

<!-- Character -->
<!-- Bag -->
| Bags= 背包
| Big Hiking Bag = 大登山包
| Duffelbag = 行李袋
| Fanny Pack = 腰包
| Normal Hiking Bag = 登山包
| Large Backpack = 大背包
| Military Backpack = 軍用背包
| Satchel = 公事包
| School Bag = 書包
| Lunchbox = 便當盒
| Plastic Bag = 塑膠袋
| Sack= 麻布袋
| Empty Sand Bag = 空麻布袋
| Toolbox = 工具箱
| Garbage Bag = 垃圾袋
| First Aid Kit = 急救箱
| Sewing Kit = 針線盒
| Tote Bag = 購物袋
<!-- 材料 -->
| Log = 原木
| Plank = 木板
| Sturdy Stick = 木棍
| Twine = 綑繩
| Battery = 電池
| Lit Candle = 燃燒的蠟燭
| Candle = 蠟燭
<!-- Book -->
| Literature = 書籍
| Book = 書
| Magazine = 雜誌
| Newspaper = 報紙
| Map = 地圖
| Skill Books = 技能書
<!-- Food -->
| Food = 食物
| Fruit = 水果
| Vegetable = 蔬菜
| Meat = 肉
| Spice = 調味料
| Canned food = 罐頭
| Drink = 飲料
| French Fries = 薯條
| Burger = 漢堡
| Hot Dog = 熱狗堡
| Pancake = 鬆餅
| Pizza = 披薩
| Cake Slice = 切片蛋糕
| Apple = 蘋果
| Tomato = 番茄
| Potato = 鳳梨
| Canned Beans = 豆子罐頭
| Canned Carrots = 胡蘿蔔罐頭
| Canned Chili = 辣醬罐頭
| Canned Corn = 玉米罐頭
| Canned Corned Beef = 醃牛肉罐頭
| Canned Fruit Cocktail = 水果沙拉罐頭
| Canned Mushroom Soup = 蘑菇湯罐頭
| Canned Peaches = 桃子罐頭
| Canned Peas = 豌豆罐頭
| Canned Pineapple = 鳳梨罐頭
| Canned Potato = 馬鈴薯罐頭
| Canned Sardines = 沙丁魚罐頭
| Canned Soup = 蔬菜湯罐頭
| Canned Spaghetti Bolognese = 波隆那肉醬義大利麵罐頭
| Canned Tomato = 番茄罐頭
| Canned Tuna = 鮪魚罐頭
| Dog Food = 狗食
| Pickled food = 醃製食物
| Jar of Bell Peppers = 罐裝甜椒
| Jar of Broccoli = 罐裝花椰菜
| Jar of Cabbage = 罐裝高麗菜
| Jar of Carrots = 罐裝胡蘿蔔
| Jar of Eggplants = 罐裝茄子
| Jar of Leeks = 罐裝韭菜
| Jar of Potatoes = 罐裝馬鈴薯
| Jar of Radishes = 罐裝櫻桃蘿蔔
| Jar of Tomatoes= 罐裝番茄
| Egg = 雞蛋
| Boiled Egg = 水煮蛋
| Bowl of Beans = 一碗豆子
| Bowl of Cereal = 一碗穀片
| Bowl of Oatmeal = 碗裝燕麥
| Bowl of Pasta = 碗裝義大利麵
| Bowl of Rice = 碗裝米飯
| Bowl of Soup = 碗裝湯
| Bowl of Stew = 碗裝燉菜
| Bread Dough = 麵團
| Cake Batter = 蛋糕麵糊
| Cake Preparation = 待烘焙的蛋糕
| Cake Slice = 蛋糕片
| Fish Sushi = 魚壽司
| Fried Onion Rings = 炸洋蔥圈
| Fried Shrimp = 炸蝦
| Gravy = 肉醬
| Jack-o'-lantern = 萬聖節南瓜燈
| Maki = 手卷
| Muffin = 瑪芬
| Muffin Fruit = 水果瑪芬
| Muffin Baking Tray = 瑪芬烤盤(瑪芬)
| Noodle Soup = 湯麵
| Pie Dough = 派麵團
| Pie = 派
| Pie Preparation = 待烘焙派
| Pie Slice = 派
| Pie Pumpkin = 南瓜派
| Pie Lemonmeringue = 檸檬蛋白派
| Pie Keylime = 墨西哥萊姆派
| Apple Pie Slice = 蘋果派
| Blueberry Pie Slice = 藍梅派
| Pot of Soup = 一鍋湯
| Poached Egg = 荷包蛋
| Scrambled Egg = 炒蛋
| Burrito = 墨西哥捲餅
| Cake = 蛋糕
| Hot Drink = 熱飲
| Omelette = 歐姆蛋
| Pancakes = 美式鬆餅
| Pasta = 義大利麵
| Rice = 米飯
| Roasted Vegetables = 烤蔬菜
| Salad = 沙拉
| Fruit Salad = 水果沙拉
| Sandwich = 三明治
| Stir Fry = 熱炒
| Taco = 塔可
| Taco Shell = 塔可餅皮
| Waffles = 格子鬆餅
| Brown Sugar = 紅糖
| Hot Sauce = 辣醬
| Ketchup = 番茄醬
| Maple Syrup = 楓糖
| Marinara = 義式番茄醬
| Mayonnaise = 美乃滋
| Mustard = 芥末醬
| Olive Oil = 橄欖油
| Pepper = 胡椒
| Rice Vinegar = 米酒
| Salt = 鹽
| Soy Sauce = 醬油
| Sugar = 糖
| Vegetable Oil = 植物油
| Wasabi = 芥末
| Beer Bottle = 啤酒瓶
| Beer Can = 啤酒罐
| Bleach = 消毒水
| Bourbon = 波本威士忌
| Cold Cuppa = 杯裝冷飲
| Hot Cuppa = 杯裝熱飲
| Hot Teacup = 熱飲
| Juice Box = 盒裝果汁
| Milk = 牛奶
| Orange Soda = 橘子汽水
| Pop = 汽水
| Bacon = 培根
| Bacon Bits = 培根丁
| Bacon Rashers = 培根片
| Baloney = 波洛尼亞香腸
| Baloney Slices = 波洛尼亞香腸片
| Beef Jerky = 牛肉乾
| Small Animal Meat | Rodent Meat = 小动物肉
| Small Bird Meat = 小鸟肉
| Chicken = 雞
| Chicken Foot = 雞腳
| Dehydrated Meat Stick = 脫水乾肉條
| Ham = 火腿
| Ham Slices = 火腿切片
| Cabbage = 高麗菜
| Corn = 玉米罐頭
| Avocado = 酪梨
| Bell Pepper = 甜椒
| Broccoli = 花椰菜
| Yogurt = 優格
| Eggplant = 茄子
| Leek = 韭菜
| Jalapeno = 墨西哥辣椒
<!-- 烹飪 -->
| Baking Pan = 烘焙烤盤
| Can Opener = 開罐器
| Empty Jar = 空玻璃罐
| Bread Knife = 麵包刀
| Butter Knife = 奶油刀
| Fork = 叉子
| Frying Pan = 平底鍋
| Griddle Pan = 煎鍋
| Kitchen Knife = 廚房刀
| Meat Cleaver = 切肉刀
| Mortar and Pestle = 研磨工具
| Roasting Pan = 烤盤
| Rolling Pin = 桿麵棍
| Saucepan = 湯鍋
| Spoon = 湯匙
| Stone Knife = 石刀
| Bowl = 碗
| Kettle = 水壺
| Cooking Pot = 煮鍋
| Saucepan = 湯鍋
| Bleach Bottle with Water = 水瓶
| Bowl of Water = 碗裝水
| Bucket of Water = 桶裝水
| Cooking Pot with Water = 裝水煮鍋
| Gardening Spray Can = 裝水園藝噴霧罐
| Kettle of Water = 壺裝水
| Mug of Water = 裝水馬克杯
| Saucepan with Water = 裝水湯鍋
| Teacup of Water = 裝水茶杯
| Water Bottle = 水瓶
| Watering Can = 裝水水壺
<!-- 服裝 -->
| Aviator Glasses = 飛行員眼鏡
| Eyepatch = 眼罩
| Eyewear = 眼鏡
| Glasses = 眼鏡
| Reading Glasses = 老花眼鏡
| Reflective Ski Sunglasses = 反光滑雪眼鏡
| Safety Goggles = 護目鏡
| Shooting Glasses  = 射擊眼鏡
| Ski Sunglasses = 滑雪眼鏡
| Sunglasses = 太陽眼鏡
| Swimming Goggles = 蛙鏡
| Balaclava = 巴拉克拉瓦頭套
| Bandana = 頭巾
| Dust Mask = 防塵口罩
| Gas Mask = 防毒面具
| Hockey Goalie Mask = 曲棍球守門員面具
| Medical Mask = 醫療口罩
| Welder Mask = 焊工面罩
| Baseball Cap = 棒球帽
| Beanie Hat = 無簷帽
| Beret = 貝雷帽
| Army Beret = 陸軍貝雷帽
| Belts = 腰帶
<!-- Trap -->
| Trap = 陷阱
| Cage Trap = 陷阱龍
| Mouse Trap = 老鼠夾
| Snare Trap = 套繩陷阱
| Trap Box = 陷阱箱
| Trap Crate = 陷阱箱
| Stick Trap = 木棍陷阱
<!-- 槍械 -->
| Firearms = 槍械
| Ammo = 彈藥
| Gunpowder = 火藥
| .38 Special Round = .38子彈
| .44 Magnum Round = .44子彈
| .45 Round = .45子彈
| 9mm Round = 9mm子彈
| 5.56mm Round = 5.56子彈
| .308 Round = .308子彈
| .223 Round = .223子彈
| Shotgun Shells = 霰彈子彈
<!-- 酒 -->
| Bourbon = 波本威士忌
| Empty Bottle = 空瓶
| Red Wine = 紅酒
| White Wine = 白酒
| Beer = 啤酒
<!-- 特點 -->
| Age = 年齡
| Age = 年齡
| Sex = 性別
| Sex = 性別
Line 82: Line 356:
| Weight = 重量
| Weight = 重量
| Health = 健康
| Health = 健康
<!-- 狀態 -->
| Hunger = 飢餓
| hunger = 飢餓
| Thirst = 口渴
| thirst = 口渴
| Stress = 壓力
| Fatigue = 疲勞
| tired = 疲勞
| Unhappiness = 不快樂
| boredom = 無聊
| Boredom = 無聊
| Alcoholic = 喝醉
| Poison = 中毒
<!-- 其他物品 -->
| Yoyo = 溜溜球
| Toy Bear = 玩具熊
| Soap = 肥皂
| Umbrella = 雨傘
| TV Remote = 電視遙控器
| Razor = 刮鬍刀
| Radio = 收音機
| radio = 收音機
| Tooth brush = 牙刷
| Tooth paste = 牙膏
| Wallet = 皮夾
| Ring = 戒指
| Lipstick = 口紅
| Extinguisher = 滅火器
| Lamp = 檯燈
| Mirror = 鏡子
| Headphones = 耳機
| Digital Watch = 電子手錶
| Playing Cards = 撲克牌
| Comb = 梳子
| Belt = 皮帶
| Dice = 骰子
| Cigarettes = 菸
| Flashlight = 手電筒
<!-- 傢俱 -->
| Appliances = 電器
| Refrigerators = 冰箱
| Oven = 烤箱
| Washing Machines = 洗衣機
| Communication = 通訊
| Generator = 發電機
| Lighting = 燈光
| Lamps = 檯燈
| Outdoor Lights = 戶外照明
| Wall Sconces = 壁燈
| Sinks = 水槽
| Baths and Showers = 洗浴
| Toilets = 馬桶
| Bed = 床
| Couches = 沙發
| Armchairs = 扶手椅
| Chairs = 椅子
| Benches = 長椅
| Stools = 凳子
| Seats = 座位
| Tables = 桌子
| Counters = 櫃台
| Dining Tables = 餐桌
| Coffee Tables = 咖啡桌
| Desks = 桌子
| Shelves = 架子
| Dressers = 梳妝台
| Cabinets = 櫥櫃
| Lockers = 儲物櫃
| Crates = 箱子
| Cash Registers = 收銀台
| Vending Machines = 販賣機
| Bins = 垃圾桶
| Mail Boxes = 信箱
| Nature = 自然
| Mannequins = 模特
| Composter = 堆肥箱
| Stashes = 藏匿處
| generator = 發電機
| Generator = 發電機
<!-- 時間 -->
| days = 日
| mins = 分

<!-- Other -->
<!-- Other -->
| Category = 分類
| Category = 分類
| Weight = 重量
| Weight = 重量
| Weight Reduction = 減重
| Equipped = 裝備
| Equipped = 裝備
| Capacity = 容量
| Capacity = 容量
Line 91: Line 452:
| Damage = 傷害
| Damage = 傷害
| Range = 範圍
| Range = 範圍
| Condition = 状態
| Condition = 狀態
| Medicine = 醫療用品
| Medicine = 醫療用品
| Equipment = 設備
| Equipment = 設備
Line 98: Line 459:
| Vehicle = 車輛
| Vehicle = 車輛
| Unimplemented = 未實裝
| Unimplemented = 未實裝
| Light sources = 光源
| Light Strength = 亮度
| Fresh = 新鮮
| Rotten =腐爛
| Nutrition = 營養
| Calories = 卡路里
| Carbohydrates = 碳水化合物
| Proteins = 蛋白質
| Protein = 蛋白質
| Sandbox = 沙盒
| Multiplayer = 多人遊戲
| Survival = 生存
| Skills = 技能
| Moodles = 情緒
| Occupation = 職業
| Traits = 特質
| Health = 健康
| Sleep = 睡眠
| Seasons = 季節
| Temperature = 溫度
| Moon Cycle = 月亮週期
| Erosion = 侵蝕
| Knox Country = 肯塔基州
| Muldraugh = 莫德勞
| West Point = 西點
| Rosewood = 瑰木
| Riverside = 河畔
| March Ridge = 三月嶺
| Louisville = 路易斯維爾
| Kingsmouth Island = 王口島
| Animals = 動物
| Zombie = 殭屍
| Clothing = 衣服
| Head = 頭
| Upper Body = 上身
| Lower Body = 下身
| Suit = 西裝
| Underwear = 內衣
| Jewellery = 珠寶
| Weapons = 武器
| Electrical = 電子產品
| Light sources = 光源
| Metal = 金屬
| Vehicle parts = 汽車零件
| Wood = 木頭
| Other = 其他
| Comfort = 舒適
| Storage = 儲物
| Displays = 展示
| Face = 臉
| Fresh = 新鮮
| Read more = 閱讀更多
| Language = 語言
| player = 玩家
| moodles = 情緒
| health = 健康
| death = 死亡
| Rotten = 腐爛
| Prepared = 準備
| Cooked = 煮熟
| Evolved Recipe = 進化配方
| Refillable = 可裝填
| clothing = 衣服
| Tiles = 傢俱

| #default = {{{1}}}
| #default = {{{1}}}

Latest revision as of 15:01, 3 March 2024

[view] [edit] [history] [purge] Template documentation
Translation icon.png
This article/section needs to be translated.
Editors are encouraged to translate this page to the best of their ability.

The {{Translation}} template is used to maintain a list of English and the non-English equivalent for item names and common words, for use in templates and to translate elements of pages automatically. Each language subpage is a user-editable database containing English words and the non-English equivalents.

Using the database helps in maintaining the same translations uniformly and easy changes in case something changes in the game update, so adding a word there and using proper template is preferred to translating the words directly.

Database format

The entries are stored in the | English word | english word = Translated word with each pipe being equivalent to translate (for example different casing of the word).

HTML comments in the format of <!-- Comment --> can be stored to aid categorization and finding certain words. These are not included anywhere, but can be translated to help finding proper words for other translators.


When incorporating to a page, one of the 3 templates should be used, depending on the situation. Using wrong one can lead to extra work being done in wiki, preventing showing certain pages in extreme cases.

  1. {{Translation}} Should be used where a link is not required, and just the translated word is needed. This template will search the list (switch) for the word in the first parameter, then display that instead of the English word, based on the language code (subpage).
  2. {{T}} Should be used where a link is required. It will automatically get the translated word from the list in {{Translation}}.
  3. {{Subpage}} Should be used for links (such as image links) where just the English word and language code are needed.





(Which will show the translated word, if it's in the database).

How to add entries

Getting started

  1. Make sure you're on the correct page – a template and not the documentation subpage (this will be a link if you're on the wrong page).
  2. Click the Edit button at the very top, not the one next to Template documentation. Or click here to edit current page.

Making the edits

  1. Once in the edit screen, you'll see a list of entries that look like: | Language = 語言
  2. Check to see if there is a category for the word(s) you want to add, such as <!-- Other -->, or add a new one.
  3. Add your word(s) in the following format (each entry should be on a new line separated by a pipe |): | Language = 語言

See also

Documentation transcluded from Template:Translation/zh-hant/doc.
Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create)