Wooden Crate

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Revision as of 22:07, 16 November 2013 by Minic90 (talk | contribs) (→‎Crafting)


The crate is the only man-made container in the game. Like other containers, it can carry an infinite amount of weight and an infinite amount of items. Because the crate can be drag and dropped from the inventory, it is the only container that is placable by players. It is crafted by a hammer, 2 planks, and 2 nails, and it weighs 10 pounds per crate.

A crate, like any other container, can be destroyed by a sledgehammer. If it is destroyed, all of its contents will spill onto the floor. Furthermore, any crates stacked on top of that crate will fall down.


Name Recipe Description


item Crate
	Type				=			Normal,
	DisplayName			=			Crate,
	Icon				=			Crate,
	Weight				=			10,
