Empty Bottle (Alcohol)

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Empty Bottle (Alcohol)

The Game WorldItemsToolsEmpty Bottle (Alcohol)

Template:Tools An Empty Bottle may refer to an empty pop, water or alcohol bottle. This article provides details about empty alcohol bottles. The empty bottle is the resulting product after consuming/emptying a bottle of alcohol (or water). The whiskey variant can be refilled at any water source. However, the chardonnay and red wine variants do not currently possess this functionality. It can be found on a zombie corpse or in a garbage bins. They can each be used as a component in crafting a molotov cocktail.


Name Recipe Description


From items.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/)

Chardonnay Bottle File:ChardonnayEmpty.png

    item WineEmpty
		Weight		= 0.3,
		Type		= Normal,
		DisplayName	= Empty Bottle,
		Icon		= WineEmpty,

Red Wine Bottle WineEmpty.png

    item WineEmpty2
		Weight		= 0.3,
		Type		= Normal,
		DisplayName	= Empty Bottle,
		Icon		= Wine2Empty,

Whiskey Bottle WhiskeyEmpty.png

item WhiskeyEmpty
		Weight		= 0.3,
		CanStoreWater	= TRUE,
		Type		= Normal,
		DisplayName	= Empty Bottle,
		ReplaceOnUseOn	= WaterSource-WhiskeyWaterFull,
		Icon		= WhiskeyEmpty,

See Also
