Sturdy stick

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Revision as of 22:13, 8 January 2017 by Heyhien (talk | contribs)

Sturdy stick

Template:Items A sturdy looking stick.

Crafted from Wooden Planks using the Saw (Right-click Wooden Plank, select Sturdy Stick). Used to light campfires and make tent kits. One sturdy stick, one notched wooden plank, and one fuel item must be held in order to ignite a campfire with this method. Can also be used to create a Splint.
Sturdy Sticks have an additional use as a fuel for fires, and lasts for 15 minutes if used this way. This is the lowest burning time, currently.


Sturdy Sticks can be used in the following recipes:

Name Recipe Description Skill Level


 item WoodenStick
        Type = Normal,
        DisplayName = Sturdy Stick,
        Icon = TZ_WoodenStick,
        Weight = 0.1,