Wall Piece

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Revision as of 07:49, 30 July 2012 by Fortrock (talk | contribs)

Wall Piece

Template:Items An invincible tile of normal height that is at the edges of every house and the walls of the house. There are many different textures for walls, but player crafted walls are always brown. Its primary purpose is to make walls for a man-made shelter, or to expand a currently available shelter.

They are crafted by a hammer, 4 nails, and 4 wooden planks. Wall pieces can be converted into Wooden door frame or window frames by combining the wall piece with a saw.

To place a wall piece, a hammer needs to be equipped in either one of the weapon slots.

Since they were introduced in 0.2.0a, the wall piece has been invincible to all damage sources except the sledgehammer, and in the latest update (0.20r RC2) they still cannot be broken down by zombies. When destroyed by a sledgehammer, the wall piece will yield 2 planks.


Name Recipe Description


item Wall
	Type				=			Normal,
	DisplayName			=			Wall Piece,
	Icon				=			Wall,
	Weight				=			15.0,