Broccoli Seeds Packet

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Revision as of 01:10, 27 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Added Linkage to broccoli seeds in description.)

Broccoli Seeds Packet

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Farming -> Broccoli Seeds Packet   


A Broccoli Seed Packet are containers for seeds which are found in the drawers and closets of many houses, but can also be found in crates, storage shelves, and in warehouse type buildings.

A single packet contains 50 Broccoli Seeds which are used with Farming to grow a crop of broccoli on plowed land in a attempt to create a renewable food resource.

It takes time to grow and requires being watered and watched over, and plants can be susceptible to various diseases which need to be treated or have a specific plant removed so it does not spread to the entire crop.

See Farming for further information.


Name Recipe Description Crafting Level



    item BroccoliBagSeed
		Type		= Normal,
		DisplayName	= Broccoli Seeds Packet,
		Icon		= TZ_SeedpackBroccoli,
		Weight		= 0.1