Butter Knife

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Revision as of 10:06, 30 May 2012 by (talk)


The butter knife is not the best weapon found in Project zomboid. It takes about 3-5 hits to kill a zombie. Paired up with its short range and its low knockback, it makes it unable to fight large groups of zombies. It is best used in last resort situations or in situations where one has to fight only 1-2 zombies.


item ButterKnife
	Type				=			Weapon,
	DisplayName			=			Butter Knife,
	Icon				=			KnifeButter,
	MinAngle			=			0,
	MaxDamage			=			0.5,
	MinDamage			=			0.5,
	MaxRange 			= 			0.5,
	SwingAnim			=			Bat,
	WeaponSprite		=			knife,
	Weight				=			1,
	WeaponWeight		=			0.5,
	MinimumSwingTime 	= 			5,
	DoorDamage			=			0.5,
	SwingTime			=			8,
	SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 		0.1,
	MaxHitCount 		=			1,
	UseEndurance		=			false,
	PushBackMod			=			0,
	KnockdownMod		=			0,
	Categories 			=			Blade,
