Butter Knife

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Butter Knife
ButterKnife Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Slot attached
metal quantity
Max condition
Condition lower chance
Door damage
Tree damage
Crit chance
Special ability
Jaw stab
Item ID

A butter knife is a blade melee weapon.



The butter knife is an emergency weapon with extremely low damage, however it can perform an instant kill jaw stab. It is highly ineffective in a defensive situation, as it will never knockdown an opponent and only knock them back a very short distance.

The butter knife has a very short range, making it very dangerous when fighting zombies, however it does have a quick attack. It is a single-attack weapon, hitting just 1 opponent with each swing. Butter knives are mostly useless in combat, however they can get the player out of a dangerous situation and should only be equipped in an emergency, or if smashing a window.

Breaking doors

It is mostly ineffective at bashing down doors, dealing just 1 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.

Chopping trees

It cannot be used to chop trees, dealing 0 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.


The butter knife has a maximum condition of 3. Its rate of degradation is influenced by the short blade and maintenance skills. The chance of losing condition can be simplified to the following formula: 1 in (1 + maintenanceMod × 2). Where "maintenanceMod" is calculated using the short blade and maintenance skills.
Below is an example of the chance of losing durability at varying levels of the maintenance and short blade skills.

For how this is calculated, see: Condition
Maintenance skill Short blade level Condition lower chance Average condition
0 0 1/1 (100%) 3
0 4 1/3 (33%) 9
0 8 1/5 (20%) 15
4 0 1/5 (20%) 15
8 0 1/9 (11%) 27
4 4 1/7 (14%) 21
4 8 1/9 (11%) 27
8 8 1/13 (8%) 39
10 10 1/15 (7%) 45


A butter knife cannot be repaired.


A butter knife can be used to drill a hole in a plank of wood, which can be used for survivalist fire-making.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
TZ PerforatedWoodenPlank.png
Notched Wooden Plank
One of:
Screwdriver.png Screwdriver ×1
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
RockSharpened.png Chipped Stone ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
One of:
Plank.png Plank ×1
Logs.png Log ×1
none none none none


Main article: Cooking

A butter knife's usage in cooking is very limited.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Bread Slices ×3
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
BreadAnima.gif Bread ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
Cake Slice ×5
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
CakeCooked.png Cake (Cooked) ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
Pie Slice ×5
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
PieWholeCooked.png Pie (Cooked) ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

ButterKnife distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
bakerykitchen counter 23.28%
bakerykitchen counter 41.14%
burgerkitchen counter 23.28%
burgerkitchen counter 41.14%
cafekitchen counter 23.28%
cafekitchen counter 41.14%
cafeteria counter 23.28%
cafeteria counter 41.14%
cafeteriakitchen counter 23.28%
cafeteriakitchen counter 41.14%
chinesekitchen counter 15.1%
deepfry_kitchen counter 23.28%
deepfry_kitchen counter 41.14%
departmentstorage metal_shelves 23.28%
dinerbackroom counter 23.28%
dinerkitchen counter 23.28%
dinerkitchen counter 41.14%
donut_kitchen counter 23.28%
donut_kitchen counter 41.14%
fishchipskitchen counter 23.28%
fishchipskitchen counter 41.14%
generalstore shelves 23.28%
generalstorestorage shelves 23.28%
gigamart shelves 23.28%
housewarestore shelves 23.28%
italiankitchen counter 23.28%
italiankitchen counter 41.14%
kitchen_crepe counter 23.28%
kitchen_crepe counter 41.14%
kitchenwares shelves 23.28%
knifefactory crate 23.28%
knifefactory crate 41.14%
knifeshipping crate 23.28%
knifeshipping crate 41.14%
knifestore shelves 23.28%
knifestore shelves 41.14%
prisoncells wardrobe 1.75%
restaurantkitchen counter 23.28%
restaurantkitchen counter 41.14%
westernkitchen counter 23.28%
westernkitchen counter 41.14%
Outfit Days survived Chance
All 0 30
All 0 30
All 0 30
All 0 30
All 0 30



Version Description
0.2.0q Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item ButterKnife
	    DisplayCategory = Cooking,
		MaxRange	=	0.8,
		WeaponSprite	=	ButterKnife,
		MinAngle	=	0.65,
		Type	=	Weapon,
		MinimumSwingTime	=	2,
		KnockBackOnNoDeath	=	FALSE,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact	=	0.02,
		Categories	=	SmallBlade,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	=	1,
		Weight	=	0.3,
		SplatNumber	=	2,
		PushBackMod	=	0.3,
		SubCategory	=	Stab,
		AimingMod	=	0.8,
		CloseKillMove = Jaw_Stab,
		ConditionMax	=	3,
		MaxHitCount	=	1,
		IsAimedHandWeapon	=	TRUE,
		DoorDamage	=	1,
		SwingAnim	=	Stab,
		DisplayName	=	Butter Knife,
		MinRange	=	0.61,
		SwingTime	=	2,
		KnockdownMod	=	0,
		SplatBloodOnNoDeath	=	FALSE,
		Icon	=	KnifeButter,
		RunAnim	=	Run_Weapon2,
        IdleAnim	=	Idle_Weapon2,
        BreakSound  =   ButterKnifeBreak,
        TreeDamage  =   0,
        EnduranceMod = 0.5,
        MetalValue = 8,
        CriticalChance	=	7,
        CritDmgMultiplier = 10,
        MinDamage	=	0.1,
        MaxDamage	=	0.4,
		WeaponLength = 0.17,
		HitFloorSound	=	ButterKnifeHit,
        ImpactSound	=	ButterKnifeHit,
        DoorHitSound = ButterKnifeHit,
		HitSound	=	ButterKnifeHit,
		SwingSound = ButterKnifeSwing,
		AttachmentType = Screwdriver,
 		Tags = DullKnife,

See also