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The MSR788 rifle is a bolt action rifle. It is a two-handed weapon that can be attached to the back of a character to reduce encumbrance.
The MSR788 rifle is a bolt action rifle, utilizing a 3 round MSR788 magazine as ammo. It can only hit one target at a time and can pierce through targets. The rifle will need to be racked after reloading. Should the rifle jam on the player, press X to rack it and un-jam it.
The MSR788 is on par with its lower caliber sibling the MSR700, with a slightly longer delay between shots makes this weapon a poor choice for fast-paced combat or dealing with large groups of enemies. The powerful .308 round means that most targets hit with this rifle will die in a single shot. The small clip size may seem terrible at first, but it is manageable and the small size of the magazines makes reloading them during combat more viable. It's very much a weapon that demands patience but rewards the player for doing so with high critical chances and piercing headshots. On the topic of piercing headshots, this is something that the MSR788 can do, but its bigger sibling the M14 rifle cannot do despite having the same caliber. However the latter has a bigger clip size, better accuracy, and a faster rate of fire.
However, this is not a rifle for low level aiming especially with its low mag count and noticeable delay between shots, this weapon should be used by a level 4+ aiming skill player.
Pros | Cons |
Drive-by shooting
All guns have the ability to shoot from vehicles. First press V, which opens the vehicle radial menu and open your window. Aim and fire. Drivers and passengers are all able to use this ability at the cost of reduced accuracy while the vehicle is moving. The driver cannot control the vehicle while aiming, it's recommended to cruise at a safe speed and make sure there are no obstacles that can cause a crash while you're driving and shooting.
The MSR788 Rifle can be fitted with the following attachments with the use of a screwdriver:
- Iron Sight : Increases maximum firing range by 3 tiles.
- x2 Scope : Increases minimum firing range by 6 tiles and maximum firing range by 7 tiles.
- x4 Scope : Increases minimum firing range by 8 tiles and maximum firing range by 13 tiles.
- x8 Scope : Increases minimum firing range by 10 tiles and maximum firing range by 20 tiles.
- Recoil Pad : Reduces recoil.
- Red Dot : Increases aiming speed.
- Fiberglass Stock : Decreases weight by 0.5 and increases base hit chance by 8%.
- BayonetFuture : Seemingly has no function in-game as of build 41.78.16.
To install an attachment, right-click the MSR788 you want to modify, click 'Upgrade' and click the attachment you want to install. Requires a screwdriver and the attachment you wish to install.
The MSR788 rifle is a firearm. As such, the durability of the weapon is dependent on the player's aiming skill. This weapon's chance of losing durability is: 1 in (60 + aiming x 2)
Requires level 4 Aiming and another MSR788 rifle to repair with. The higher the aiming skill is, the chances of a better and successful repair go up. Remember that with each consecutive repair, the amount of durability restored decreases.
MSR788 Rifle
Fixer | Skill | Repairs | Success chance |
1× MSR788 Rifle | 4 Aiming | 50% | 95% |
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
RifleCase2 | Gun Case | 120.41% |
SafehouseLoot | counter | 15.1% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 15.1% |
SafehouseLoot | metal_shelves | 15.1% |
SafehouseLoot | wardrobe | 15.1% |
SurvivorCache1 | counter | 15.1% |
SurvivorCache2 | counter | 15.1% |
all | militarycrate | 19.27% |
all | militarylocker | 19.27% |
all | wardrobe | 1.65% |
armystorage | locker | 19.27% |
armystorage | metal_shelves | 19.27% |
armysurplus | displaycase | 15.1% |
bedroom | wardrobe | 1.65% |
changeroom | locker | 1.68% |
closet | crate | 1.65% |
closet | metal_shelves | 1.64% |
druglab | metal_shelves | 15.1% |
garagestorage | crate | 1.65% |
garagestorage | locker | 15.1% |
gunstore | displaycase | 15.1% |
gunstorestorage | crate | 15.1% |
hunting | displaycase | 15.1% |
hunting | locker | 15.1% |
livingroom | wardrobe | 1.64% |
policestorage | locker | 19.27% |
policestorage | metal_shelves | 19.27% |
storageunit | crate | 1.65% |
Outfit | Days survived | Chance |
PrivateMilitia | 0 | 30 |
The MSR788 Rifle can be found in most homes (notably in wardrobes/closets), police stations, military bases, gun shops.
The MSR788 rifle can also be found in the trunk of police cruisers.
- Although not similar visually, the name and some features in game imply that the MSR788 is based on Remington Model 788 rifle, which was produced during late 60's through early 80's and utilized 3-round detachable magazines.
Version | Description |
38.30 | Released on or before this version. |
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Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt
item HuntingRifle
DisplayCategory = Weapon,
ImpactSound = null,
MaxRange = 10,
WeaponSprite = HuntingRifle,
SoundVolume = 200,
MinAngle = 0.95,
Type = Weapon,
MinimumSwingTime = 0.5,
ToHitModifier = 1.5,
NPCSoundBoost = 1.5,
KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE,
Ranged = TRUE,
SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0,
ProjectileCount = 1,
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 60,
Weight = 4,
SplatNumber = 3,
PushBackMod = 0.3,
MaxDamage = 2,
SubCategory = Firearm,
ConditionMax = 10,
ShareDamage = FALSE,
MaxHitCount = 1,
IsAimedFirearm = TRUE,
DoorDamage = 20,
UseEndurance = FALSE,
SwingAnim = Rifle,
DisplayName = MSR788 Rifle,
MinRange = 0.61,
SwingTime = 0.5,
MultipleHitConditionAffected = FALSE,
BringToBearSound = MSR788BringToBear,
SwingSound = MSR788Shoot,
HitSound = BulletHitBody,
ClickSound = MSR788Jam,
SoundRadius = 70,
MinDamage = 1.2,
SplatSize = 3,
KnockdownMod = 2,
SplatBloodOnNoDeath = TRUE,
Icon = RifleHunting,
RunAnim = Run_Weapon2,
IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2,
CriticalChance = 30,
CritDmgMultiplier = 10,
AimingPerkCritModifier = 15,
HitChance = 25,
AimingPerkHitChanceModifier = 15,
AimingPerkMinAngleModifier = 0.01,
AimingPerkRangeModifier = 3,
RecoilDelay = 100,
PiercingBullets = TRUE,
SoundGain = 2,
ReloadTime = 25,
AimingTime = 40,
RequiresEquippedBothHands = TRUE,
BreakSound = MSR788Break,
MetalValue = 45,
TwoHandWeapon = TRUE,
AmmoBox = 308Box,
MaxAmmo = 3,
EquipSound = MSR788Equip,
UnequipSound = MSR788UnEquip,
InsertAmmoSound = MSR788InsertAmmo,
EjectAmmoSound = MSR788EjectAmmo,
InsertAmmoStartSound = MSR788InsertAmmoStart,
InsertAmmoStopSound = MSR788InsertAmmoStop,
EjectAmmoStartSound = MSR788EjectAmmoStart,
EjectAmmoStopSound = MSR788EjectAmmoStop,
ShellFallSound = MSR788CartridgeFall,
RackSound = MSR788Rack,
AmmoType = Base.308Bullets,
WeaponReloadType = boltactionnomag,
ModelWeaponPart = Bayonnet Bayonnet bayonnet bayonnet,
ModelWeaponPart = x2Scope x2Scope scope scope,
ModelWeaponPart = x4Scope x4Scope scope scope,
ModelWeaponPart = x8Scope x8Scope scope scope,
ModelWeaponPart = IronSight IronSight scope2 scope2,
ModelWeaponPart = RecoilPad RecoilPad recoilpad recoilpad,
ModelWeaponPart = RedDot RedDot reddot reddot,
RackAfterShoot = TRUE,
MagazineType = Base.308Clip,
JamGunChance = 5,
AttachmentType = Rifle,
StopPower = 20,
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\fixing.txt
fixing Fix Hunting Rifle
Require : HuntingRifle,
Fixer : HuntingRifle; Aiming=4,