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This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Sponge Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Item ID

A sponge is currently a useless item, and often considered as junk.


A sponge cannot be used to clean the blood and has no use, being added purely for the purpose of clutter, creating more realism for the player when looting.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Sponge distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
armysurplus counter 6.41%
artstore counter 6.41%
bakery counter 6.41%
bakerykitchen counter 6.41%
bar counter 6.41%
barbecuestore counter 6.41%
barkitchen counter 6.41%
barstorage counter 6.41%
baseballstore counter 6.41%
beergarden counter 6.41%
bookstore counter 6.41%
bowlingalley counter 6.41%
burgerkitchen counter 6.41%
butcher counter 6.41%
cafe counter 6.41%
cafekitchen counter 6.41%
cafeteria counter 6.41%
cafeteriakitchen counter 6.41%
camerastore counter 6.41%
camping counter 6.41%
candystore counter 6.41%
carsupply counter 6.41%
chinesekitchen counter 6.41%
chineserestaurant counter 6.41%
classroom counter 23.28%
clothingstore counter 6.41%
conveniencestore counter 6.41%
cornerstore counter 6.41%
daycare counter 23.28%
deepfry_kitchen counter 6.41%
departmentstore counter 6.41%
dinerbackroom counter 6.41%
dinerkitchen counter 6.41%
dining counter 6.41%
donut_dining counter 6.41%
donut_kitchen counter 6.41%
electronicsstore counter 6.41%
fishchipskitchen counter 6.41%
fishingstorage counter 6.41%
fossoil counter 6.41%
gardenstore counter 6.41%
gasstorage counter 23.28%
gasstore counter 6.41%
generalstore counter 6.41%
generalstorestorage counter 6.41%
giftstore counter 6.41%
gigamart counter 6.41%
gigamartkitchen counter 6.41%
grocery counter 6.41%
gunstore counter 6.41%
hall counter 6.41%
hunting counter 6.41%
icecream counter 6.41%
icecreamkitchen counter 6.41%
italiankitchen counter 6.41%
italianrestaurant counter 6.41%
janitor counter 23.28%
janitor metal_shelves 23.28%
jayschicken_dining counter 6.41%
jayschicken_kitchen counter 6.41%
jewelrystore counter 6.41%
kitchen counter 23.28%
kitchen_crepe counter 6.41%
laundry counter 23.28%
laundry metal_shelves 23.28%
laundry shelves 23.28%
leatherclothesstore counter 6.41%
lingeriestore counter 6.41%
liquorstore counter 6.41%
livingroom counter 23.28%
lobby counter 6.41%
mexicankitchen counter 6.41%
movierental counter 6.41%
optometrist counter 6.41%
pawnshop counter 6.41%
pharmacy counter 6.41%
pileocrepe counter 6.41%
pizzakitchen counter 6.41%
pizzawhirled counter 6.41%
plazastore1 counter 6.41%
restaurant counter 6.41%
restaurantkitchen counter 6.41%
schoolstorage counter 23.28%
schoolstorage metal_shelves 23.28%
seafoodkitchen counter 6.41%
sewingstore counter 6.41%
shoestore counter 6.41%
spiffo_dining counter 6.41%
spiffoskitchen counter 6.41%
sportstorage counter 6.41%
sportstore counter 6.41%
sushidining counter 6.41%
sushikitchen counter 6.41%
theatre counter 6.41%
theatrekitchen counter 6.41%
toolstore counter 6.41%
toystore counter 6.41%
walletshop counter 6.41%
westernkitchen counter 6.41%
zippeestorage counter 23.28%
zippeestore counter 6.41%



Version Description
38.30 Released on or before this version.

Help PZwiki by adding to this history.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Sponge
        DisplayCategory = Household,
        Weight	=	0.1,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=	Sponge,
        Icon	=	Sponge,
        WorldStaticModel = Sponge,

See also