Hand Torch

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Hand Torch
HandTorch Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Light source
metal quantity
2500 units
Light distance
15 tiles
Light strength
Torch cone
Item ID

A hand torch is a drainable item that provides a source of light.


The hand torch is an item that can be used to provide light for the player when it is dark. To use it, the player must first equip it in either their primary or secondary hand. If the player has an item such as a weapon already equipped, equipping the hand torch will make the player hold the item one-handed if possible, otherwise it will be unequipped.

The light can be toggled by pressing F. The light will shine in a cone reaching up to 15 tiles in front of the player. The hand torch is significantly weaker than the flashlight, which is the strongest equippable light source in the game.

Hand torches require a battery to function. There is a chance that the hand torch will spawn with one already installed. While the light is turned on, the battery will gradually drain. When the battery is low, the light will begin to flicker and once completely drained the battery will be consumed. If the player has another battery, they can install it to continue using the hand torch. A full battery can also be taken out of a hand torch if needed for another device.


Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Hand Torch
Flashlight2.png Hand Torch ×1
Battery.png Battery ×1
none none none none
One of:
Flashlight.png Flashlight ×1
Flashlight2.png Hand Torch ×1
Rubberducky.png Rubber Duck ×1
none none none none


  • While the torch and flashlight are two separate items in the game, they often refer to the same real-world item. Flashlight is the more common term in North America, while torch is most common in other English-speaking countries.
  • The hand torch model has "Zero" written on it, it might be an Easter egg referencing to something.



The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

HandTorch distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
Bag_JanitorToolbox Toolbox 30.41%
Electrician crate 19.27%
Electrician metal_shelves 19.27%
Toolbox Toolbox 6.41%
all Outfit_AmbulanceDriver 5.21%
all Outfit_Nurse 5.21%
all crate 0.65%
all junk 2.81%
all metal_shelves 2.57%
all militarycrate 19.27%
all other 5.21%
armyhanger counter 19.27%
armyhanger metal_shelves 19.27%
armystorage metal_shelves 19.27%
armysurplus counter 19.27%
armysurplus metal_shelves 19.27%
armysurplus shelves 19.27%
bedroom crate 0.89%
bedroom crate 19.27%
closet crate 0.89%
closet crate 19.27%
closet metal_shelves 19.27%
controlroom counter 19.27%
departmentstorage metal_shelves 19.27%
electronicsstorage metal_shelves 19.27%
electronicsstorage shelves 19.27%
electronicsstore counter 19.27%
electronicsstore shelves 19.27%
empty crate 19.27%
garagestorage counter 19.27%
garagestorage crate 0.89%
garagestorage crate 19.27%
garagestorage metal_shelves 19.27%
generalstore shelves 19.27%
generalstorestorage shelves 19.27%
gigamart shelves 19.27%
hall counter 19.27%
housewarestore shelves 19.27%
jewelrystore counter 19.27%
kitchen counter 19.27%
kitchenwares shelves 19.27%
livingroom counter 19.27%
livingroom crate 19.27%
livingroom wardrobe 19.27%
lobby counter 19.27%
mechanic crate 19.27%
mechanic metal_shelves 19.27%
mechanic wardrobe 19.27%
pawnshop counter 19.27%
pawnshop crate 19.27%
pawnshop metal_shelves 19.27%
pawnshop shelves 19.27%
pawnshopoffice crate 19.27%
pawnshopoffice metal_shelves 19.27%
pawnshopstorage crate 19.27%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 19.27%
plazastore1 counter 19.27%
storageunit crate 0.89%
storageunit crate 19.27%
storageunit metal_shelves 0.89%
storageunit metal_shelves 19.27%
toolstore counter 19.27%
toolstore shelves 19.27%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Glove Box 2.81%
Carpenter Glove Box 2.81%
Construction Worker Glove Box 2.81%
Distillery Glove Box 2.81%
Doctor Glove Box 2.81%
Electrician Glove Box 2.81%
Farmer Glove Box 2.81%
Fire Glove Box 2.81%
Fisherman Glove Box 2.81%
Fossoil Glove Box 2.81%
All Glove Box 2.81%
Golf Glove Box 2.81%
Heralds Glove Box 2.81%
Hunter Glove Box 2.81%
Mass Gen Fac Glove Box 2.81%
McCoy Glove Box 2.81%
Metal Welder Glove Box 2.81%
Painter Glove Box 2.81%
Police Glove Box 2.81%
Police Glove Box 10.78%
Police Trunk 10.78%
Postal Glove Box 2.81%
Radio Glove Box 2.81%
Ranger Glove Box 2.81%
Spiffo Glove Box 2.81%
Survivalist Glove Box 2.81%
Taxi Glove Box 2.81%
Transit Glove Box 2.81%
Transit Trunk 10.78%



Version Description
41.45 Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item HandTorch
        DisplayCategory = LightSource,
        LightDistance	=	15,
        Weight	=	0.5,
        DisappearOnUse	=	FALSE,
        Type	=	Drainable,
        TorchCone	=	TRUE,
        UseDelta	=	0.0004,
        LightStrength	=	0.9,
        DisplayName	=	Hand Torch,
        ActivatedItem	=	TRUE,
        Icon	=	Flashlight2,
        MetalValue = 10,
        cantBeConsolided = TRUE,
        StaticModel = HandTorch,
        primaryAnimMask = HoldingTorchRight,
        secondaryAnimMask = HoldingTorchLeft,
        WorldStaticModel = HandTorchGround,

See also