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Crowbar Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Slot attached
Metal quantity
Max condition
Condition lower chance
Damage type
Door damage
Tree damage
Attack speed
Crit chance
Item ID

A crowbar is a two-handed long blunt weapon and tool.


The Crowbar is one of the best choices for a melee weapon in Project Zomboid. While it doesn't have outstanding damage or range, its usefulness lies in its utility in breaking down barricades and flooring, and its extremely high durability.

The crowbar can be attached to the character's back hotkey slot for quick access and weight reduction.

Pros Cons
  • Highest durability of any weapon.
  • Not too difficult to find, can even be found impaled in zombies.
  • Very useful as a weapon and tool.
  • Cannot be repaired.
  • Low knockdown chance and average damage.


The crowbar is a two-handed weapon, however it can be equipped in one hand at the cost of reduced impact. In modes with multi-hit enabled, crowbars can hit up to three targets with a single swing.

Furniture pickup

  • The crowbar can be considered a tool as it is the only item capable of picking up flooring. This is done by right-clicking a floor tile and selecting the floor tile in the context menu. Ensure that the crowbar is in the player's main inventory, otherwise the option may not appear.
  • The crowbar is the only item capable of picking up windows from buildings. This is done by using the Pick-Up toggle mode, and then clicking the tile containing the window.


Crowbars can be used to pry planks off of doors and windows, which makes it useful for breaking into barricaded buildings.


The crowbar has a maximum condition of 15 and the chance to lose condition is influenced by the maintenance and long blunt skills. With level 0 maintenance and long blunt skill the crowbar has a 1 in 70 chance to lose condition each hit. This low chance combined with its high maximum condition makes it the most durable melee weapon in the game. However, it cannot be repaired.

For how this is calculated, see: Condition
Maintenance skill Long blunt level Condition lower chance Average condition
0 0 1/70 (1%) 1050
0 4 1/72 (1%) 1080
0 8 1/74 (1%) 1110
4 0 1/74 (1%) 1110
8 0 1/78 (1%) 1170
4 4 1/76 (1%) 1140
4 8 1/78 (1%) 1170
8 8 1/82 (1%) 1230
10 10 1/84 (1%) 1260


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Crowbar distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
Bag_JanitorToolbox Toolbox 15.41%
Bag_ToolBag Duffel Bag 2.81%
Bag_WeaponBag Duffel Bag 10.15%
SafehouseLoot counter 23.28%
SafehouseLoot crate 10.78%
SafehouseLoot crate 23.28%
SafehouseLoot metal_shelves 10.78%
SafehouseLoot metal_shelves 23.28%
SafehouseLoot wardrobe 23.28%
SurvivorCache1 counter 23.28%
SurvivorCache2 counter 23.28%
Toolbox Toolbox 2.81%
all crate 0.65%
all metal_shelves 2.57%
all toolcabinet 10.78%
armyhanger counter 10.78%
armyhanger metal_shelves 10.78%
bedroom crate 0.65%
cabinetfactory crate 10.78%
cabinetfactory metal_shelves 10.78%
cabinetshipping metal_shelves 10.78%
closet crate 0.65%
closet crate 10.78%
closet metal_shelves 10.78%
construction crate 10.78%
drugshack counter 10.78%
drugshack crate 10.78%
factory crate 10.78%
factory metal_shelves 10.78%
farmstorage crate 10.78%
farmstorage metal_shelves 10.78%
firestorage metal_shelves 10.78%
garagestorage counter 10.78%
garagestorage crate 0.65%
garagestorage crate 10.78%
garagestorage locker 10.78%
garagestorage metal_shelves 10.78%
gasstorage counter 10.78%
generalstore metal_shelves 10.78%
generalstore shelves 10.78%
generalstorestorage metal_shelves 10.78%
generalstorestorage shelves 10.78%
gigamart shelves 10.78%
janitor counter 10.78%
janitor metal_shelves 10.78%
kitchen crate 10.78%
livingroom wardrobe 10.78%
loggingfactory crate 10.78%
loggingfactory metal_shelves 10.78%
pawnshop counter 10.78%
pawnshop crate 10.78%
pawnshop metal_shelves 10.78%
pawnshop shelves 10.78%
pawnshopstorage crate 10.78%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 10.78%
schoolstorage counter 10.78%
shed crate 10.78%
shed locker 10.78%
shed metal_shelves 10.78%
storageunit crate 0.65%
storageunit crate 10.78%
storageunit metal_shelves 0.65%
storageunit metal_shelves 10.78%
toolstore counter 10.78%
toolstore crate 10.78%
toolstore metal_shelves 10.78%
toolstore shelves 10.78%
toolstorestorage crate 10.78%
toolstorestorage metal_shelves 10.78%
warehouse crate 10.78%
warehouse metal_shelves 10.78%
zippeestorage counter 10.78%
Outfit Days survived Chance
All 10 3
Bandit 0 20

The crowbar is usually found in warehouse crates and in tool shelves in sheds or warehouses.


After 10 days have passed, crowbars can be found impaled in the back of zombies.


The crowbar does not spawn in any vehicle.



Version Description
0.2.0r_RC2.5 Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Crowbar
        DisplayCategory = ToolWeapon,
        MaxRange	=	1.25,
        WeaponSprite	=	Crowbar,
        MinAngle	=	0.75,
        Type	=	Weapon,
        MinimumSwingTime	=	3,
        KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE,
        SwingAmountBeforeImpact	=	0.02,
        Categories	=	Blunt,
        Weight	=	2,
        ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	=	70,
        PushBackMod	=	0.5,
        SubCategory	=	Swinging,
        ConditionMax	=	15,
        MaxHitCount	=	3,
        DoorDamage	=	8,
        SwingAnim	=	Bat,
        CriticalChance	=	35,
        CritDmgMultiplier = 6,
        DisplayName	=	Crowbar,
        MinRange	=	0.61,
        SwingTime	=	3,
        HitAngleMod	=	-30,
        KnockdownMod	=	0,
        Icon	=	Crowbar,
        RunAnim	=	Run_Weapon2,
        BreakSound  =   CrowbarBreak,
        DoorHitSound = CrowbarHit,
        HitSound = CrowbarHit,
        HitFloorSound = CrowbarHit,
        SwingSound = CrowbarSwing,
        TreeDamage  =   0,
        MetalValue = 150,
        CriticalChance	=	20,
        CritDmgMultiplier = 2.5,
        MinDamage	=	0.6,
        MaxDamage	=	1.15,
        BaseSpeed = 1,
        TwoHandWeapon = TRUE,
        WeaponLength = 0.4,
        AttachmentType = BigBlade,
        Tags = Crowbar;RemoveBarricade,

See also