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Carving Fork

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Carving Fork
CarvingFork Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
metal quantity
Item ID

A carving fork is an item that can be found in the world.


While considered a cooking item in the code, a carving fork currently has no crafting use. Its primary purpose is adding item diversity and realism for the player when looting, or for decoration.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

CarvingFork distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
bakerykitchen counter 19.68%
barbecuestore counter 41.46%
barbecuestore counter 23.67%
barbecuestore shelves 41.46%
barbecuestore shelves 23.67%
burgerkitchen counter 19.68%
butcher counter 19.68%
butcher metal_shelves 19.68%
butcher shelves 41.46%
butcher shelves 23.67%
cafekitchen counter 19.68%
cafeteria counter 19.68%
cafeteriakitchen counter 19.68%
chinesekitchen counter 19.68%
deepfry_kitchen counter 19.68%
departmentstorage metal_shelves 19.68%
dinerbackroom counter 19.68%
dinerkitchen counter 19.68%
donut_kitchen counter 19.68%
fishchipskitchen counter 19.68%
garagestorage crate 19.68%
generalstore shelves 19.68%
generalstorestorage shelves 19.68%
gigamart shelves 19.68%
gigamartkitchen counter 19.68%
housewarestore shelves 19.68%
icecream counter 19.68%
italiankitchen counter 19.68%
jayschicken_kitchen counter 19.68%
kitchen counter 11.21%
kitchen overhead 11.21%
kitchen shelves 11.21%
kitchen_crepe counter 19.68%
kitchenwares shelves 19.68%
livingroom counter 11.21%
livingroom overhead 11.21%
mexicankitchen counter 19.68%
pizzakitchen counter 19.68%
restaurantkitchen counter 19.68%
seafoodkitchen counter 19.68%
spiffoskitchen counter 19.68%
sushikitchen counter 19.68%
westernkitchen counter 19.68%
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 - DeepForest: 30
Farm: 30
FarmLand: 30
Forest: 30
Nav: 30
TownZone: 30
TrailerPark: 30
Vegitation: 30
- - - - - - -

Carving forks can be found in kitchen cabinets, butcher shops, and grill supplies.



Version Description
Build 41.78.16 Removed on this version.
Build 41.72 WorldStaticModel added with value CarvingFork_Ground.
Build 41.69 DisplayCategory added with value Cooking.
Build 41.65 Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item CarvingFork
        DisplayCategory = Cooking,
        Weight	=	0.1,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=   Carving Fork,
        Icon	=	CarvingFork,
        MetalValue = 20,
        WorldStaticModel = CarvingFork_Ground,

See also