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A fork is a blade melee weapon and a tool.
The fork, similar to the spoon and spatula, can be used to mix various foods. It can also be attached to crafted spear with a duct tape for a minor stat increases. However, there are better choices to upgrade it.
If a fork is in the player's inventory while eating certain foods, the fork will be used to eat. There are currently no benefits to eating with a fork or a spoon this way.
The fork is an emergency weapon with extremely low damage and cannot perform the instant kill jaw stab, which most one-handed blade weapons can do. It is also highly ineffective in a defensive situation, as it will never knockdown an opponent and only knock them back a very short distance.
The fork has a very short range, making it very dangerous when fighting zombies. However, it does have a quick attack. It is a single-attack weapon, hitting just 1 opponent with each swing. Forks are pretty much useless in combat and should only be equipped in an emergency, or if smashing a window.
Breaking doors
It is most ineffective at bashing down doors, dealing just 1 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.
Chopping trees
It cannot be used to chop trees, dealing 0 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.
Product | Ingredients | Tools | Requirements | Workstation | XP |
Spear with Fork |
Crafted Spear ×1 Fork ×1 Duct Tape ×2 unit(s) |
none | none | none | none |
Fork |
Spear with Fork ×1 | none | none | none | none |
The fork has a maximum condition of 3. Its rate of degradation is influenced by the short blade and maintenance skills. The chance of losing condition can be simplified to the following formula: 1 in (1 + maintenanceMod × 2)
. Where "maintenanceMod" is calculated using the short blade and maintenance skills.
Below is an example of the chance of losing durability at varying levels of the maintenance and short blade skills.
Maintenance skill | Short blade level | Condition lower chance | Average condition |
0 | 0 | 1/1 (100%) | 3 |
0 | 4 | 1/3 (33%) | 9 |
0 | 8 | 1/5 (20%) | 15 |
4 | 0 | 1/5 (20%) | 15 |
8 | 0 | 1/9 (11%) | 27 |
4 | 4 | 1/7 (14%) | 21 |
4 | 8 | 1/9 (11%) | 27 |
8 | 8 | 1/13 (8%) | 39 |
10 | 10 | 1/15 (7%) | 45 |
A fork cannot be repaired.
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
bakerykitchen | counter | 41.46% |
bakerykitchen | counter | 23.67% |
burgerkitchen | counter | 41.46% |
burgerkitchen | counter | 23.67% |
cafekitchen | counter | 41.46% |
cafekitchen | counter | 23.67% |
cafeteria | counter | 41.46% |
cafeteria | counter | 23.67% |
cafeteriakitchen | counter | 41.46% |
cafeteriakitchen | counter | 23.67% |
chinesekitchen | counter | 41.46% |
chinesekitchen | counter | 23.67% |
deepfry_kitchen | counter | 41.46% |
deepfry_kitchen | counter | 23.67% |
departmentstorage | metal_shelves | 23.67% |
dinerbackroom | counter | 23.67% |
dinerkitchen | counter | 41.46% |
dinerkitchen | counter | 23.67% |
donut_kitchen | counter | 41.46% |
donut_kitchen | counter | 23.67% |
fishchipskitchen | counter | 41.46% |
fishchipskitchen | counter | 23.67% |
generalstore | shelves | 23.67% |
generalstorestorage | shelves | 23.67% |
gigamart | shelves | 23.67% |
housewarestore | shelves | 23.67% |
italiankitchen | counter | 41.46% |
italiankitchen | counter | 23.67% |
kitchen | counter | 23.67% |
kitchen | overhead | 23.67% |
kitchen | shelves | 23.67% |
kitchen_crepe | counter | 41.46% |
kitchen_crepe | counter | 23.67% |
kitchenwares | shelves | 23.67% |
knifefactory | crate | 41.46% |
knifefactory | crate | 23.67% |
knifeshipping | crate | 41.46% |
knifeshipping | crate | 23.67% |
knifestore | shelves | 41.46% |
knifestore | shelves | 23.67% |
livingroom | counter | 23.67% |
livingroom | overhead | 23.67% |
restaurantkitchen | counter | 41.46% |
restaurantkitchen | counter | 23.67% |
westernkitchen | counter | 41.46% |
westernkitchen | counter | 23.67% |
Outfit | Days survived | Chance |
Any | 0 | 30 |
Any | 0 | 30 |
Any | 0 | 30 |
Any | 0 | 30 |
Story ID | Link |
RBTSDinner | Table stories |
Amount | Skill level | Biome: chance | Weather modifiers % | Month modifiers | |||||
Snow | Rain | Day | Night | Months available | Bonus months | Malus months | |||
1 | 0 | DeepForest: 50 Farm: 50 FarmLand: 50 Forest: 50 Nav: 50 TownZone: 50 TrailerPark: 50 Vegitation: 50 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Forks are an incredibly common household item found in kitchen counters and also stuck in zombies.
Version | Description |
Build 41.69 | Item tag added with value Fork . |
Build 41.65 | DisplayCategory added with value Cooking . |
Build 41.54 | BreakSound changed from BreakMetalItem to ForkBreak .DoorHitSound added with value ForkHit .HitFloorSound changed from BladeHit to ForkHit .HitSound changed from BladeHit to ForkHit .ImpactSound changed from BladeHit to ForkHit .SwingSound added with value ForkSwing . |
Build 41.33 | BreakSound added with value BreakMetalItem . |
Build 41.32 | MaxRange changed from 0.9 to 0.8 .MinAngle changed from 0 to 0.65 . |
Build 41.17 | AttachmentType added with value Screwdriver . |
Build 41.12 | Categories changed from Blade to SmallBlade .CritDmgMultiplier added with value 10 .DamageCategory added with value Slash .DamageMakeHole added with value TRUE .HitFloorSound added with value BladeHit .HitSound added with value BladeHit .ImpactSound added with value BladeHit .WeaponLength added with value 0.17 .WeaponSprite changed from Knife to Fork .WeaponWeight removed. |
Build 35.25b | MetalValue added with value 5 . |
Build 32.14 | MaxRange changed from 0.6 to 0.9 . |
Build 30.12 | EnduranceMod added with value 0.5 . |
Build 29.3 | TreeDamage added with value 0 . |
RC2.9.9.17 - Build 0011 | ConditionMax changed from 10 to 3 . |
RC2.9.9.10 | ConditionLowerChanceOneIn changed from 20 to 1 . |
RC2.9 - Build 0008 | ConditionLowerChanceOneIn changed from 100 to 20 .ConditionMax changed from 1 to 10 .CriticalChance added with value 5 .IsAimedHandWeapon changed from true to TRUE .MaxDamage changed from 0.8 to 0.1 .MaxRange changed from 0.9 to 0.6 .MinDamage changed from 0.4 to 0.1 .MinRange changed from 0.61 to 0.2 .MinimumSwingTime changed from 4.1 to 2 .PushBackMod changed from 0 to 0.3 .SwingTime changed from 4.1 to 2 .WeaponWeight changed from 0.7 to 0.3 .Weight changed from 0.8 to 0.3 . |
RC2.9 - Build 0007 | Released on this version. |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt
item Fork
DisplayCategory = Cooking,
MaxRange = 0.8,
WeaponSprite = Fork,
MinAngle = 0.65,
Type = Weapon,
MinimumSwingTime = 2,
SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02,
Categories = SmallBlade,
Weight = 0.3,
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 1,
PushBackMod = 0.3,
SubCategory = Stab,
AimingMod = 0.8,
ConditionMax = 3,
MaxHitCount = 1,
IsAimedHandWeapon = TRUE,
DoorDamage = 1,
SwingAnim = Stab,
CriticalChance = 5,
DisplayName = Fork,
MinRange = 0.2,
SwingTime = 2,
KnockdownMod = 0,
Icon = Fork,
TreeDamage = 0,
EnduranceMod = 0.5,
MetalValue = 5,
CritDmgMultiplier = 10,
MinDamage = 0.1,
MaxDamage = 0.1,
WeaponLength = 0.17,
DamageCategory = Slash,
DamageMakeHole = TRUE,
BreakSound = ForkBreak,
HitFloorSound = ForkHit,
ImpactSound = ForkHit,
DoorHitSound = ForkHit,
HitSound = ForkHit,
SwingSound = ForkSwing,
AttachmentType = Screwdriver,
Tags = Fork,