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Log Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Carpentry material
Item ID

A log is a renewable material required in various carpentry recipes.



Logs are very heavy, with an encumbrance of 9. The player can combine logs using rope or sheet-rope to reduce the weight to just a third. Up to 4 logs can be combined in this way.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Log Stack
Log Stack
One of:
Rope.png Rope ×2
SheetRope.png Sheet Rope ×2
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×2
none none none none
Log Stack
Log Stack
One of:
Rope.png Rope ×2
SheetRope.png Sheet Rope ×2
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×3
none none none none
Log Stack
Log Stack
One of:
Rope.png Rope ×2
SheetRope.png Sheet Rope ×2
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×4
none none none none


Using a saw, one log can be converted into three wooden planks, providing carpentry experience and being useful in crafting. Logs can also be used to create log walls, which are slightly stronger than the variety crafted using planks, with the added benefit of requiring neither nails nor a saw to craft.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Plank ×3
Logs.png Log ×1 Garden SawSaw
Saw (tag)
none none 0.75
(0.25 above Carpentry 3) Carpentry
LogWall Carpentry.png
Log Wall
One of:
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×4
Twine.png Twine ×4
Rope.png Rope ×2
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×4
Ball-peen HammerHammerStone Hammer
Hammer (tag)
none none 1.25 Carpentry


Logs are a valuable fuel source for campfires and antique stoves, as they last six (6) hours and are sustainable. As logs can be cut into three planks which last 2 hours each, logs intended to be used as fuel can be cut into planks first to collect carpentry experience with no fuel loss. Logs can also be used to make charcoal with help of the metal drum.


A log has a secondary purpose of crushing watermelons, though it is not as effective as slicing it with a saw.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Watermelon Chunks ×5
One of:
BaseballBat.png Baseball Bat ×1
Hammer.png Hammer ×1
Logs.png Log ×1
Plank.png Plank ×1
Sledgehamer.png Sledgehammer ×1
BaseballBatNails.png Spiked Baseball Bat ×1
HammerStone.png Stone Hammer ×1
Each of:
Watermelon.png Watermelon ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking

Other recipes

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
TZ PerforatedWoodenPlank.png
Notched Wooden Plank
One of:
Screwdriver.png Screwdriver ×1
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
RockSharpened.png Chipped Stone ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
One of:
Plank.png Plank ×1
Logs.png Log ×1
none none none none
TZ CampfireKitWood.png
Campfire Materials
One of:
Twigs.png Twigs ×1
Sheet.png Sheet ×1
Rag.png Ripped Sheets ×1
Dirty Rag Dirty Rag ×1
Book.png Book ×1
Magazine.png Magazine ×1
Newspaper.png Newspaper ×1
Each of:
Logs.png Log ×2
none none none 0.75 Carpentry


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Log distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
all logs 6.41%
all logs 60.41%
Type Container Effective chance
McCoy Trunk 23.28%
McCoy Trunk 41.14%
McCoy Trunk 76.55%
Amount Skill Level Biomes Weather modifiers Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
-- - DeepForest 3
Forest 2
Vegitation 1
- - - - - September

The log is the resulting product when a tree is chopped down, which is done most effectively with an axe. It can be found while foraging and inside log stacks.



Version Description
0.2.0q Released on or before this version.

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Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Log
	    DisplayCategory = Material,
		Weight	=	9,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	Log,
		Icon	=	Logs,
		WorldStaticModel = Log,

See also