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A M16 assault rifle is an automatic military-grade firearm. It is a two-handed weapon and can be attached to the back of a character to reduce encumbrance.
The M16 assault rifle is a select-fire firearm capable of switching between automatic fire and single-fire modes, utilizing 5.56mm rounds as ammo.
It can hit up to two targets at a time, as well as pierce through targets. It will additionally one-shot zombies fairly often, making this a good gun to dispatch large amounts of zombies. However, because of its high rate of fire, the rifle is much more likely to jam on the player than other firearms, and as a result, it consumes ammo faster than any other firearm in the game. Similar to other firearms, it can be racked to clear a jam by pressing X.
Due to its high rate of fire, the weapon is very difficult to utilize effectively for low-aim level players. It is recommended for characters with a high aiming level. This weapon can neutralize large numbers of zombies with haste on par with Shotguns at the expense of ammo consumption. How much ammo is used effectively is highly dependent on the aiming level of the player.
Pros | Cons |
Fire modes
This rifle features two modes of operation: Single and Automatic Fire. This can be toggled between using the right-click context menu on the weapon.
- Single Fire: The rifle only fires off one shot and requires another trigger push to shoot again.
- Auto Fire: The rifle will continue to fire shots as long as the trigger is held down. It is worth noting that this weapon has no recoil delay.
Drive-by shooting
All guns have the ability to shoot from vehicles. First press V, which opens the vehicle radial menu and open your window. Aim and fire. Drivers and passengers are all able to use this ability at the cost of reduced accuracy while the vehicle is moving. The driver cannot control the vehicle while aiming, it's recommended to cruise at a safe speed and make sure there are no obstacles that can cause a crash while you're driving and shooting.
The M16 assault rifle can be fitted with the following attachments with the use of a screwdriver:
- Iron Sight : Increases maximum firing range by 3 tiles.
- x2 Scope : Increases minimum firing range by 6 tiles and maximum firing range by 7 tiles.
- x4 Scope : Increases minimum firing range by 8 tiles and maximum firing range by 13 tiles.
- x8 Scope : Increases minimum firing range by 10 tiles and maximum firing range by 20 tiles.
- Laser : Increases base hit chance by 5%.
- Recoil Pad : Reduces recoil.
- Red Dot : Increases aiming speed.
To install these attachments, ensure that you have a screwdriver in your inventory, right-click the M16 to modify, click on 'Upgrade' and pick the attachment to install.
The M16 assault rifle is a firearm As such, the durability of the weapon is dependent on the player's aiming skill. This weapon's chance of losing durability is: 1 in (60 + aiming x 2)
It should be noted that the M16 assault rifle will degrade quickly when used heavily, due to the number of rounds that go through it.
Requires level 5 aiming and another M16 assault rifle to repair with. The higher the aiming skill is, the chances of a better and successful repair go up. Remember that with each consecutive repair, the amount of durability restored decreases.
M16 Assault Rifle
Fixer | Skill | Repairs | Success chance |
1× M16 Assault Rifle | 5 Aiming | 50% | 95% |
The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.
Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.
Building/Room | Container | Effective chance |
all | locker | 2.1% |
all | militarycrate | 6.74% |
all | militarylocker | 6.74% |
armystorage | locker | 6.74% |
armystorage | metal_shelves | 6.74% |
bedroom | locker | 2.1% |
druglab | metal_shelves | 6.74% |
pawnshopoffice | locker | 6.74% |
pawnshopstorage | locker | 6.74% |
SafehouseLoot | counter | 6.74% |
SafehouseLoot | crate | 6.74% |
SafehouseLoot | metal_shelves | 6.74% |
SafehouseLoot | wardrobe | 6.74% |
SurvivorCache1 | counter | 6.74% |
SurvivorCache2 | counter | 6.74% |
Outfit | Days survived | Chance |
Private Militia (male outfit), Private Militia (female outfit) | 0 | 20 |
Story ID | Link |
RZSHunterCamp | Zone stories |
Amount | Skill level | Biome: chance | Weather modifiers % | Month modifiers | |||||
Snow | Rain | Day | Night | Months available | Bonus months | Malus months | |||
1 | 0 | DeepForest: 1 Farm: 1 FarmLand: 1 Forest: 1 Nav: 1 TownZone: 1 TrailerPark: 1 Vegitation: 1 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
This weapon can be found in military bases, especially at the Louisville border camp. It can also spawn as very rare drops in gun stores as a special display. It does not spawn in vehicles or on zombies.
- There are models in the game hinting at the possibility of attaching a bayonet + flashlight, and even an improvised version. However, none of this is in-game yet.
- Unlike in real life, the M16 assault rifle in Project Zomboid does not accept .223 rounds.
Version | Description |
Build 41.78 | AimingPerkCritModifier changed from 0 to 12 .CritDmgMultiplier added with value 10 .CriticalChance changed from 30 to 25 . |
Build 41.66 | MaxDamage changed from 4.5 to 1.4 .MinDamage changed from 2.2 to 0.8 . |
Build 41.65 | DisplayCategory added with value Weapon .SoundRadius changed from 100 to 70 . |
Build 41.54 | BreakSound changed from BreakMetalItem to M16Break .BringToBearSound added with value M16BringToBear .ClickSound added with value M16Jam .EjectAmmoSound changed from Stormy9mmClipEject to M16EjectAmmo .EjectAmmoStartSound added with value M16EjectAmmoStart .EjectAmmoStopSound added with value M16EjectAmmoStop .EquipSound added with value M16Equip .HitSound added with value BulletHitBody .InsertAmmoSound changed from Stormy9mmClipLoad to M16InsertAmmo .InsertAmmoStartSound added with value M16InsertAmmoStart .InsertAmmoStopSound added with value M16InsertAmmoStop .RackSound changed from Stormy9mmRack to M16Rack .ShellFallSound added with value M16CartridgeFall .SwingSound changed from AssaultShot to M16Shoot .UnequipSound added with value M16UnEquip . |
Build 41.51 | StopPower added with value 2 . |
Build 41.49 | PiercingBullets added with value TRUE . |
Build 41.46 | ModelWeaponPart added with value Laser Laser laser laser . |
Build 41.41 | Weight changed from 3 to 4 . |
Build 41.23 | JamGunChance changed from 1 to 2 . |
Build 41.19 | AimingPerkHitChanceModifier changed from 6 to 7 .AimingTime changed from 15 to 25 .AmmoType changed from Base.Bullets556 to Base.556Bullets .HitChance changed from 40 to 20 .JamGunChance changed from 0 to 1 .MaxRange changed from 7 to 11 .SoundVolume changed from 20 to 35 . |
Build 41.18 | AimingPerkHitChanceModifier changed from 10 to 6 .AmmoBox added with value 556Box .AmmoType added with value Base.Bullets556 .ClipSize removed.EjectAmmoSound added with value Stormy9mmClipEject .FireModePossibilities added with value Auto/Single .FireMode added with value Auto .HitChance changed from 75 to 40 .InsertAmmoSound added with value Stormy9mmClipLoad .JamGunChance changed from 5 to 0 .MagazineType added with value Base.556Clip .MaxAmmo added with value 30 .ProjectileCount changed from 3 to 1 .RackSound added with value Stormy9mmRack .WeaponReloadType added with value boltaction . |
Build 41.17 | AttachmentType added with value Rifle . |
Build 41.12 | Released on this version. |
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt
item AssaultRifle
DisplayCategory = Weapon,
ImpactSound = null,
MaxRange = 11,
WeaponSprite = AssaultRifle,
SoundVolume = 35,
MinAngle = 0.965,
Type = Weapon,
MinimumSwingTime = 0.5,
ToHitModifier = 1.5,
NPCSoundBoost = 1.5,
KnockBackOnNoDeath = TRUE,
Ranged = TRUE,
SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0,
ProjectileCount = 1,
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 60,
Weight = 4,
SplatNumber = 3,
PushBackMod = 0.3,
SubCategory = Firearm,
ConditionMax = 10,
ShareDamage = FALSE,
MaxHitCount = 2,
PiercingBullets = TRUE,
IsAimedFirearm = TRUE,
DoorDamage = 20,
UseEndurance = FALSE,
SwingAnim = Rifle,
DisplayName = M16 Assault Rifle,
MinRange = 0.61,
SwingTime = 0.5,
MultipleHitConditionAffected = FALSE,
BringToBearSound = M16BringToBear,
SwingSound = M16Shoot,
HitSound = BulletHitBody,
ClickSound = M16Jam,
SoundRadius = 70,
MinDamage = 0.8,
MaxDamage = 1.4,
SplatSize = 3,
KnockdownMod = 4,
SplatBloodOnNoDeath = TRUE,
Icon = AssaultRifle,
RunAnim = Run_Weapon2,
IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2,
CriticalChance = 25,
CritDmgMultiplier = 10,
AimingPerkCritModifier = 12,
HitChance = 20,
AimingPerkHitChanceModifier = 7,
AimingPerkMinAngleModifier = 0.01,
AimingPerkRangeModifier = 3,
RecoilDelay = 0,
SoundGain = 2,
ReloadTime = 25,
AimingTime = 25,
RequiresEquippedBothHands = TRUE,
BreakSound = M16Break,
TwoHandWeapon = TRUE,
MetalValue = 45,
AmmoBox = 556Box,
MaxAmmo = 30,
EquipSound = M16Equip,
UnequipSound = M16UnEquip,
InsertAmmoSound = M16InsertAmmo,
EjectAmmoSound = M16EjectAmmo,
InsertAmmoStartSound = M16InsertAmmoStart,
InsertAmmoStopSound = M16InsertAmmoStop,
EjectAmmoStartSound = M16EjectAmmoStart,
EjectAmmoStopSound = M16EjectAmmoStop,
ShellFallSound = M16CartridgeFall,
RackSound = M16Rack,
MagazineType = Base.556Clip,
AmmoType = Base.556Bullets,
WeaponReloadType = boltaction,
JamGunChance = 2,
AttachmentType = Rifle,
FireMode = Auto,
FireModePossibilities = Auto/Single,
ModelWeaponPart = x2Scope x2Scope scope scope,
ModelWeaponPart = x4Scope x4Scope scope scope,
ModelWeaponPart = x8Scope x8Scope scope scope,
ModelWeaponPart = IronSight IronSight scope2 scope2,
ModelWeaponPart = RedDot RedDot reddot reddot,
ModelWeaponPart = RecoilPad RecoilPad recoilpad recoilpad,
ModelWeaponPart = Laser Laser laser laser,
StopPower = 2,
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\fixing.txt
fixing Fix Assault Rifle
Require : AssaultRifle,
Fixer : AssaultRifle; Aiming=5,