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Pool Cue

From PZwiki
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This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Pool Cue
PoolCue Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Slot attached
Max condition
Condition lower chance
Door damage
Tree damage
Attack speed
Crit chance
Item ID

A pool cue is a two-handed blunt melee weapon.



The pool cue is a multi-attack weapon, capable of hitting two zombies at a time in a swing. It is light for a long two-handed weapon, however will only deal 0.2 to 0.4 damage per swing.

The pool cue has difficulty knocking a zombie to the ground and will instead knock them back slightly.

Breaking doors

It is somewhat ineffective at bashing down doors, dealing just 1 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.

Chopping trees

It cannot be used to chop trees, dealing 0 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.


The pool cue has a maximum condition of 10. Its rate of degradation is influenced by the long blunt and maintenance skills. The chance of losing condition can be simplified to the following formula: 1 in (10 + maintenanceMod × 2). Where "maintenanceMod" is calculated using the long blunt and maintenance skills.
Below is an example of the chance of losing durability at varying levels of the maintenance and long blunt skills.

For how this is calculated, see: Condition
Maintenance skill Long blunt level Condition lower chance Average condition
0 0 1/10 (10%) 100
0 4 1/12 (8%) 120
0 8 1/14 (7%) 140
4 0 1/14 (7%) 140
8 0 1/18 (6%) 180
4 4 1/16 (6%) 160
4 8 1/18 (6%) 180
8 8 1/22 (5%) 220
10 10 1/24 (4%) 240


A pool cue cannot be fixed.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Poolcue distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
barstorage crate 41.46%
barstorage crate 23.67%
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 DeepForest: 25
Farm: 25
FarmLand: 25
Forest: 25
Nav: 25
TownZone: 25
TrailerPark: 25
Vegitation: 25
- - - - - - -



Version Description
Build 41.65 DisplayCategory added with value Sports.
Build 41.54 BreakSound changed from BreakWoodItem to PoolcueBreak.
DoorHitSound added with value PoolcueHit.
HitFloorSound added with value PoolcueHit.
HitSound added with value PoolcueHit.
SwingSound added with value PoolcueSwing.
Build 41.32 MaxRange changed from 1.7 to 1.6.
MinAngle changed from 0.65 to 0.85.
Build 41.17 AttachmentType added with value BigBlade.
Build 41.12 BaseSpeed added with value 1.2.
CriticalChance added with value 0.
DoorDamage changed from 2 to 1.
MaxDamage changed from 0.7 to 0.4.
MaxRange changed from 1.5 to 1.7.
MinAngle changed from 0.2 to 0.65.
MinDamage changed from 0.5 to 0.2.
SplatNumber changed from 0 to 1.
WeaponSprite changed from Poolcue to PoolCue.
WeaponWeight removed.
Build 40.9 BreakSound changed from PZ_WoodSnap to BreakWoodItem.
Build 29.3 BreakSound added with value PZ_WoodSnap.
TreeDamage added with value 0.
RC2.9.9.17 - Build 0009 IdleAnim added with value Idle_Weapon2.
RunAnim added with value Run_Weapon2.
TwoHandWeapon added with value TRUE.
WeaponSprite changed from poolcue to Poolcue.
RC2.9 - Build 0008 Categories changed from Improvised to ['Improvised', 'Blunt'].
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn changed from 5 to 10.
DoorDamage changed from 1 to 2.
KnockBackOnNoDeath added with value FALSE.
KnockdownMod added with value 0.
MaxHitCount added with value 2.
MaxRange changed from 3 to 1.5.
MinRange added with value 0.61.
SplatBloodOnNoDeath added with value FALSE.
SplatNumber added with value 0.
WeaponWeight changed from 2.5 to 1.
Weight changed from 0.6 to 1.
RC2.9 - Build 0007 MaxDamage changed from .7 to 0.7.
MaxRange changed from 3.0 to 3.
MinDamage changed from .5 to 0.5.
MinimumSwingTime changed from 2.0 to 2.
SubCategory added with value Swinging.
SwingTime changed from 2.0 to 2.
Weight changed from 4 to 0.6.
0.2.0r RC2 MinimumSwingTime changed from 10 to 2.0.
SwingAmountBeforeImpact changed from 0.2 to 0.02.
SwingTime changed from 18 to 2.0.
0.2.0f WeaponWeight changed from 0.8 to 2.5.
0.2.0e WeaponWeight changed from 2.5 to 0.8.
0.2.0b WeaponWeight changed from 0.8 to 2.5.
0.2.0a Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Poolcue
	    DisplayCategory = Sports,
		MaxRange	=	1.6,
		WeaponSprite	=	PoolCue,
		MinAngle	=	0.85,
		Type	=	Weapon,
		MinimumSwingTime	=	2,
		KnockBackOnNoDeath	=	FALSE,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact	=	0.02,
		Categories	=	Improvised;Blunt,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	=	10,
		Weight	=	1,
		SplatNumber	=	1,
		PushBackMod	=	0.3,
		SubCategory	=	Swinging,
		ConditionMax	=	10,
		MaxHitCount	=	2,
		DoorDamage	=	1,
		SwingAnim	=	Bat,
		DisplayName	=	Poolcue,
		MinRange	=	0.61,
		SwingTime	=	2,
		KnockdownMod	=	0,
		SplatBloodOnNoDeath	=	FALSE,
		Icon	=	Poolcue,
        RunAnim	=	Run_Weapon2,
        IdleAnim	=	Idle_Weapon2,
        TwoHandWeapon = TRUE,
        BreakSound  =   PoolcueBreak,
        DoorHitSound = PoolcueHit,
		HitSound = PoolcueHit,
		HitFloorSound = PoolcueHit,
		SwingSound = PoolcueSwing,
        TreeDamage  =   0,
        CriticalChance	=	0,
        MinDamage	=	0.2,
        MaxDamage	=	0.4,
        BaseSpeed = 1.2,
        AttachmentType = BigBlade,

See also