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Hunting Knife

From PZwiki
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Hunting Knife
HuntingKnife Model.png
Hunting Knife
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Slot attached
Metal quantity
Max condition
Condition lower chance
Door damage
Tree damage
Crit chance
Special ability
Jaw stab

A hunting knife is a short blade melee weapon.


The hunting knife is an uncommon short blade weapon that can also be used in cooking.


The hunting knife has a 'Jaw Stab' attack, which can kill a zombie instantly if close enough and timed correctly. It is also capable of performing backstabs on zombies that haven't noticed the player. There's a chance that after these attacks, the knife can get stuck in a zombie and will have to be looted back from the corpse. The hunting knife is a single attack weapon, and is best used when on a 1 on 1 fight with a zombie.

Breaking doors

It is mostly ineffective at bashing down doors, dealing just 1 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.

Chopping trees

It is mostly ineffective at chopping trees, dealing 2 damage per hit. For comparison, an axe deals 35 damage.


Recipes are still based on build 41, and are planned to be revamped to build 42 at a later date, depending on the game's crafting system improvement.
Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
TZ PerforatedWoodenPlank.png
Notched Plank
One of:
Screwdriver.png Screwdriver ×1
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
RockSharpened.png Sharp Flint Flake ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
One of:
Plank.png Plank ×1
Logs.png Log ×1
none none none none
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod
One of:
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
One of:
FishingLine.png Fishing Line ×1
Twine.png Twine ×2 unit(s)
One of:
Nails.png Nails ×1
Paperclip.png Paperclip ×1
Each of:
TZ WoodenStick.png Sturdy Stick ×1
Magazine: Angler USA - June 1993
none none


Recipes are still based on build 41, and are planned to be revamped to build 42 at a later date, depending on the game's crafting system improvement.
Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
One of:
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
none none none 1.25 Carpentry
Wooden Spear (crafted)
One of:
Branch.png Tree Branch ×1
Plank.png Plank ×1
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
none none none 1.25 Carpentry
Spear with Hunting Knife
SpearStick.png Wooden Spear (crafted) ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
DuctTape.png Duct Tape ×2 unit(s)
none none none none


Main article: Cooking

The hunting knife is used in various cooking recipes.

Recipes are still based on build 41, and are planned to be revamped to build 42 at a later date, depending on the game's crafting system improvement.
Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Bread Slices ×3
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
One of:
Bread.png Bread ×1
Bread Bread ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
Ham Slice ×6
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
Ham.png Ham ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
TZ BaconRashers.png
Bacon Strips ×4
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
Bacon.png Bacon ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
TZ BaconBits.png
Bacon Bits ×4
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
TZ BaconRashers.png Bacon Strips ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
Fish Fillet ×2
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
FishPanfish.png Sunfish ×1
FishTrout.png Trout ×1
none none none 10 Cooking
Frog Meat
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
Frog.png Frog ×1
none none none 2.5 Cooking
Small Bird Meat
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
BirdDead.png Dead Bird ×1
none none none 2.5 Cooking
Rabbit Meat
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
RabbitDead.png Dead Rabbit ×1
none none none 2.5 Cooking
Rodent Meat
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
none none none 2.5 Cooking
Watermelon Slice ×10
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
Hacksaw.png Hacksaw ×1
Axe.png Axe ×1
AxeStone.png Crude Stone Axe ×1
AxeHand.png Hand Axe ×1
WoodAxe.png Wood Axe ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
Each of:
Watermelon.png Watermelon ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
Cake Slice
Cake Slice ×5
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
Cake (Cooked) Cake (Cooked) ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking
Pie Slice
Pie Slice ×5
One of:
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife ×1
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife ×1
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife ×1
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver ×1
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife ×1
Machete.png Machete ×1
Each of:
Pie (Cooked) Pie (Cooked) ×1
none none none 0.75 Cooking


The hunting knife has a maximum condition of 10. Its rate of degradation is influenced by the short blade and maintenance skills. The chance of losing condition can be simplified to the following formula: 1 in (15 + maintenanceMod × 2). Where "maintenanceMod" is calculated using the short blade and maintenance skills.
Below is an example of the chance of losing durability at varying levels of the maintenance and short blade skills.

For how this is calculated, see: Condition
Maintenance level Short blade level Condition lower chance Average condition
0 0 1/10 (10%) 150
0 4 1/12 (8%) 180
0 8 1/14 (7%) 210
4 0 1/14 (7%) 210
8 0 1/18 (6%) 270
4 4 1/16 (6%) 240
4 8 1/18 (6%) 270
8 8 1/22 (5%) 330
10 10 1/24 (4%) 360


Materials that can be used to repair the hunting knife, based on first time repairing.

Hunting Knife

For more information, see Condition
Fixer Skill Repairs Success chance
Duct Tape Duct Tape 50% 95%
Glue Glue 20% 95%
Adhesive Tape Adhesive Tape 10% 95%


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

HuntingKnife distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
armysurplus displaycase 41.46%
armysurplus displaycase 23.67%
armysurplus metal_shelves 23.67%
armysurplus shelves 23.67%
armytent locker 4.44%
bedroom locker 4.44%
camping cardboardbox 41.46%
camping cardboardbox 23.67%
camping crate 41.46%
camping crate 23.67%
camping shelves 41.46%
camping shelves 23.67%
camping smallbox 41.46%
camping smallbox 23.67%
campingstorage cardboardbox 41.46%
campingstorage cardboardbox 23.67%
campingstorage crate 41.46%
campingstorage crate 23.67%
campingstorage smallbox 41.46%
campingstorage smallbox 23.67%
changeroom locker 19.68%
closet cardboardbox 23.67%
closet cardboardbox 15.52%
closet cardboardbox 11.21%
closet smallbox 23.67%
closet smallbox 15.52%
closet smallbox 11.21%
derelict other 0.65%
druglab cardboardbox 10.38%
druglab counter 11.21%
druglab crate 10.38%
druglab metal_shelves 10.38%
druglab overhead 11.21%
druglab smallbox 10.38%
drugshack cardboardbox 11.21%
drugshack crate 11.21%
drugshack smallbox 11.21%
evidenceroom cardboardbox 2.93%
evidenceroom metal_shelves 2.93%
garagestorage cardboardbox 23.67%
garagestorage cardboardbox 15.52%
garagestorage cardboardbox 11.21%
garagestorage crate 11.21%
garagestorage locker 11.21%
garagestorage smallbox 23.67%
garagestorage smallbox 15.52%
garagestorage smallbox 11.21%
gunstore displaycase 41.46%
gunstore displaycase 23.67%
livingroom cardboardbox 23.67%
livingroom cardboardbox 15.52%
livingroom cardboardbox 11.21%
livingroom crate 23.67%
livingroom crate 15.52%
livingroom crate 11.21%
livingroom smallbox 23.67%
livingroom smallbox 15.52%
livingroom smallbox 11.21%
oldarmy locker 2.34%
pawnshop counter 23.67%
pawnshop displaycase 23.67%
pawnshopoffice cardboardbox 23.67%
pawnshopoffice crate 23.67%
pawnshopoffice metal_shelves 23.67%
pawnshopoffice smallbox 23.67%
pawnshopstorage cardboardbox 23.67%
pawnshopstorage crate 23.67%
pawnshopstorage metal_shelves 23.67%
pawnshopstorage smallbox 23.67%
SafehouseLoot cardboardbox 11.21%
SafehouseLoot cardboardbox 6.74%
SafehouseLoot counter 6.74%
SafehouseLoot crate 11.21%
SafehouseLoot crate 6.74%
SafehouseLoot metal_shelves 6.74%
SafehouseLoot smallbox 11.21%
SafehouseLoot smallbox 6.74%
SafehouseLoot wardrobe 6.74%
SafehouseLoot_Late cardboardbox 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Late cardboardbox 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Late counter 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Late counter 6.74%
SafehouseLoot_Late crate 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Late crate 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Late freezer 4.44%
SafehouseLoot_Late fridge 4.44%
SafehouseLoot_Late metal_shelves 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Late smallbox 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Late smallbox 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Late wardrobe 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Mid cardboardbox 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Mid cardboardbox 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Mid counter 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Mid crate 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Mid crate 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Mid metal_shelves 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Mid smallbox 19.68%
SafehouseLoot_Mid smallbox 11.21%
SafehouseLoot_Mid wardrobe 19.68%
shed cardboardbox 11.21%
shed crate 11.21%
shed smallbox 23.67%
shed smallbox 15.52%
shed smallbox 11.21%
storageunit cardboardbox 23.67%
storageunit cardboardbox 15.52%
storageunit cardboardbox 11.21%
storageunit crate 23.67%
storageunit crate 15.52%
storageunit crate 11.21%
storageunit metal_shelves 23.67%
storageunit metal_shelves 15.52%
storageunit metal_shelves 11.21%
storageunit smallbox 23.67%
storageunit smallbox 15.52%
storageunit smallbox 11.21%
SurvivorCache1 counter 6.74%
SurvivorCache2 counter 6.74%
SurvivorCacheBigBuilding counter 6.74%
Type Container Effective chance
Army Glove Box 6.53%
Hunter Glove Box 6.53%
Hunter Seat Front 6.53%
Hunter Trunk 23.67%
Ranger Glove Box 0.59%
Survivalist Glove Box 5.33%
Embedded in zombie
Outfit Days survived Chance
Any 10 5
Any 10 5
Any 10 5
Any 10 5
Any 10 5
ArmorTest_Gladiator 0 80
Bandit_Early 0 80
Bandit_Late 0 80
Bandit_Mid 0 80
Dean 0 100
Hunter 0 80
PrivateMilitia 0 80
Survivalist 0 80
Survivalist02 0 80
Survivalist02_Late 0 80
Survivalist02_Mid 0 80
Survivalist03 0 80
Survivalist03_Late 0 80
Survivalist03_Mid 0 80
Survivalist04 0 80
Survivalist04_Late 0 80
Survivalist04_Mid 0 80
Survivalist05 0 80
Survivalist05_Late 0 80
Survivalist05_Mid 0 80
Survivalist_Late 0 80
Survivalist_Mid 0 80
Story ID Link
RZSOccultActivity Zone stories
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 DeepForest: 15
Farm: 15
FarmLand: 15
ForagingNav: 15
Forest: 15
TownZone: 15
TrailerPark: 15
Vegitation: 15
- - - - - - -


Upon closer inspection of the knife blade's general shape and relative size in the player's hand, the hunting knife looks like a crude version of a bowie knife.



Version Description
Build 42.0.0 DropSound added with value HuntingKnifeDrop.
EnduranceMod removed.
Icon removed.
IconsForTexture added with value ['HuntingKnife', 'HuntingKnife_Forged'].
OnBreak added with value OnBreak.HuntingKnife.
PushBackMod changed from 0.3 to 0.01.
Sharpness added with value 1.0.
Item tag changed from ['CutPlant', 'SharpKnife'] to ['CutPlant', 'SharpKnife', 'ButcherAnimal', 'Sharpenable', 'KillAnimal', 'ButcherAnimal'].
TreeDamage changed from 2 to 0.
WeaponSprite removed.
WeaponSpritesByIndex added with value ['HuntingKnife', 'HuntingKnifeForged'].
Weight changed from 0.5 to 1.
Build 41.69 Item tag changed from CutPlant to ['CutPlant', 'SharpKnife'].
Build 41.65 DisplayCategory added with value Weapon.
Build 41.54 BreakSound changed from BreakMetalItem to HuntingKnifeBreak.
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn changed from 20 to 15.
DoorHitSound added with value HuntingKnifeHit.
HitFloorSound changed from BladeHit to HuntingKnifeHit.
HitSound changed from BladeHit to HuntingKnifeHit.
ImpactSound changed from BladeHit to HuntingKnifeHit.
SwingSound added with value HuntingKnifeSwing.
Build 41.42 CriticalChance changed from 60 to 50.
Item tag added with value CutPlant.
Build 41.40 MinRange changed from 0.8 to 0.61.
Build 41.33 MinRange changed from 0.61 to 0.8.
Build 41.32 MinAngle changed from 0 to 0.65.
Build 41.17 AttachementType removed.
AttachmentType added with value Knife.
Build 41.12 AttachementType added with value Knife.
Categories changed from Blade to SmallBlade.
CritDmgMultiplier added with value 3.
CriticalChance added with value 60.
DamageCategory added with value Slash.
DamageMakeHole added with value TRUE.
HitFloorSound added with value BladeHit.
HitSound added with value BladeHit.
ImpactSound added with value BladeHit.
MaxDamage changed from 0.6 to 1.2.
MinDamage changed from 0.3 to 0.6.
SplatNumber changed from 0 to 4.
WeaponLength added with value 0.25.
WeaponSprite changed from Knife to HuntingKnife.
WeaponWeight removed.
Weight changed from 0.3 to 0.5.
Build 40.9 BreakSound changed from PZ_MetalSnap to BreakMetalItem.
Build 36.4 BreakSound added with value PZ_MetalSnap.
Build 35.25b MetalValue added with value 30.
Build 32.14 Icon changed from KnifeChopping to HuntingKnife.
Build 30.12 EnduranceMod added with value 0.5.
Build 29.3 TreeDamage added with value 2.
Build 26 Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons_stab.txt

Retrieved: Build 42.0.2
item HuntingKnife
		DisplayName = Hunting Knife,
		DisplayCategory = Weapon,
		Type = Weapon,
		Weight = 1,
		IconsForTexture = HuntingKnife;HuntingKnife_Forged,
		AimingMod = 0.8,
		AttachmentType = Knife,
		BreakSound = HuntingKnifeBreak,
		Categories = SmallBlade,
		CloseKillMove = Jaw_Stab,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 15,
		ConditionMax = 10,
		CritDmgMultiplier = 3,
		CriticalChance = 50,
		DamageCategory = Slash,
		DamageMakeHole = TRUE,
		DoorDamage = 1,
		DoorHitSound = HuntingKnifeHit,
		DropSound = HuntingKnifeDrop,
		/*EnduranceMod = 0.5,*/
		HitFloorSound = HuntingKnifeHit,
		HitSound = HuntingKnifeHit,
		IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2,
		ImpactSound = HuntingKnifeHit,
		IsAimedHandWeapon = TRUE,
		KnockBackOnNoDeath = FALSE,
		KnockdownMod = 0,
		MaxDamage = 1.2,
		MaxHitCount = 1,
		MaxRange = 0.9,
		MetalValue = 30,
		MinAngle = 0.65,
		MinDamage = 0.6,
		MinRange = 0.61,
		MinimumSwingTime = 2,
		PushBackMod = 0.01,
		RunAnim = Run_Weapon2,
		SplatBloodOnNoDeath = TRUE,
		SplatNumber = 4,
		SubCategory = Stab,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02,
		SwingAnim = Stab,
		SwingSound = HuntingKnifeSwing,
		SwingTime = 2,
		TreeDamage = 0,
		WeaponLength = 0.25,
		/*WeaponSprite = HuntingKnife,*/
		WeaponSpritesByIndex = HuntingKnife;HuntingKnifeForged,
		Tags = CutPlant;SharpKnife;ButcherAnimal;Sharpenable;KillAnimal;ButcherAnimal,

        Sharpness = 1.0,
		OnBreak = OnBreak.HuntingKnife,

See also