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This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Scissors Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Slot attached
metal quantity
Max condition
Condition lower chance
Door damage
Tree damage
Attack speed
Crit chance
Special ability
Jaw stab
Item ID

Scissors are a one-handed, short blade weapon and useful tailoring tool.



Main article: Tailoring

Scissors are required to use the "rip clothing" command on denim and leather clothing to obtain leather and denim strips.


Scissors can be used as an emergency weapon, with the ability to perform execution: jaw stab.


Main article: Appearance

Scissors can be used to modify a character's hair or beard.


Build 41

Scissors can be attached to a spear using two duct tape. The condition of the scissors will be carried over to the spear.

Product Ingredients Tools Requirements Workstation XP
Spear with Scissors
SpearStick.png Crafted Spear ×1
Scissors.png Scissors ×1
DuctTape.png Duct Tape ×2 unit(s)
none none none none
SpearScissors.png Spear with Scissors ×1 none none none none


Scissors have a maximum condition of 10. Its rate of degradation is influenced by the short blade and maintenance skills. The chance of losing durability can be simplified to the following formula: 1 in (1 + maintenanceMod × 2). Where "maintenanceMod" is calculated using the short blade and maintenance skills.
Below is an example of the chance of losing durability at varying levels of the maintenance and short blade skills.

For how this is calculated, see: Condition
Maintenance level Short blade level Condition lower chance Average condition
0 0 1/1 (100%) 10
0 4 1/3 (33%) 30
0 8 1/5 (20%) 50
4 0 1/5 (20%) 50
8 0 1/9 (11%) 90
4 4 1/7 (14%) 70
4 8 1/9 (11%) 90
8 8 1/13 (8%) 130
10 10 1/15 (7%) 150


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Scissors distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
aesthetic counter 19.68%
all desk 6.74%
all filingcabinet 6.74%
all officedrawers 6.74%
all other 1.73%
artstore counter 6.74%
artstore shelves 41.46%
artstore shelves 23.67%
bedroom crate 0.65%
bedroom desk 6.74%
bookstore counter 19.68%
classroom counter 6.74%
classroom desk 6.74%
classroom metal_shelves 6.74%
classroom shelves 6.74%
closet crate 6.74%
closet crate 0.65%
daycare counter 6.74%
daycare desk 6.74%
daycare metal_shelves 6.74%
daycare shelves 6.74%
dentiststorage metal_shelves 41.46%
dentiststorage metal_shelves 23.67%
empty crate 6.74%
garagestorage crate 6.74%
garagestorage crate 0.65%
generalstore shelves 19.68%
generalstorestorage shelves 19.68%
gigamart shelves 19.68%
hall counter 6.74%
hospitalstorage metal_shelves 41.46%
hospitalstorage metal_shelves 23.67%
jewelrystore counter 6.74%
kennels counter 41.46%
kennels counter 23.67%
kennels metal_shelves 41.46%
kennels metal_shelves 23.67%
kitchen counter 6.74%
kitchen shelves 6.74%
library counter 6.74%
livingroom counter 6.74%
livingroom overhead 6.74%
livingroom sidetable 6.74%
livingroom wardrobe 6.74%
lobby counter 6.74%
medical counter 41.46%
medical counter 23.67%
medical metal_shelves 41.46%
medical metal_shelves 23.67%
MedicalCache1 MedicalBox 23.67%
medicalstorage counter 41.46%
medicalstorage counter 23.67%
medicalstorage metal_shelves 41.46%
medicalstorage metal_shelves 23.67%
morgue counter 23.67%
Nurse crate 41.46%
Nurse crate 23.67%
Nurse metal_shelves 41.46%
Nurse metal_shelves 23.67%
office counter 6.74%
office crate 6.74%
office desk 6.74%
office metal_shelves 6.74%
officestorage crate 6.74%
officestorage metal_shelves 6.74%
pharmacy metal_shelves 41.46%
pharmacy metal_shelves 23.67%
pharmacystorage counter 41.46%
pharmacystorage counter 23.67%
pharmacystorage metal_shelves 41.46%
pharmacystorage metal_shelves 23.67%
pharmacystorage shelves 41.46%
pharmacystorage shelves 23.67%
plazastore1 counter 6.74%
policestorage counter 6.74%
post counter 19.68%
SafehouseLoot counter 23.67%
SafehouseLoot medicine 23.67%
schoolstorage metal_shelves 6.74%
sewingstorage crate 19.68%
sewingstorage metal_shelves 19.68%
sewingstore clothingrack 19.68%
sewingstore counter 19.68%
sewingstore shelves 19.68%
storageunit crate 6.74%
storageunit crate 0.65%
storageunit metal_shelves 6.74%
storageunit metal_shelves 0.65%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Trunk 6.53%
Embedded in zombie
Outfit Days survived Chance
Any 0 30
Any 0 30
Any 0 30
Any 0 30
Story ID Link
RBTSSewing Table stories
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 0 DeepForest: 50
Farm: 50
FarmLand: 50
Forest: 50
Nav: 50
TownZone: 50
TrailerPark: 50
Vegitation: 50
- - - - - - -



Version Description
Build 41.69 Item tag added with value Scissors.
Build 41.65 DisplayCategory added with value Household.
Build 41.54 BreakSound changed from BreakMetalItem to ScissorsBreak.
DoorHitSound added with value ScissorsHit.
HitFloorSound changed from BladeHit to ScissorsHit.
HitSound changed from BladeHit to ScissorsHit.
ImpactSound changed from BladeHit to ScissorsHit.
SwingSound added with value ScissorsSwing.
Build 41.51 CloseKillMove added with value Jaw_Stab.
Build 41.33 BreakSound added with value BreakMetalItem.
Build 41.32 MinAngle changed from 0 to 0.65.
Build 41.17 AttachmentType added with value Screwdriver.
Build 41.12 Categories changed from Blade to SmallBlade.
DamageCategory added with value Slash.
DamageMakeHole added with value TRUE.
HitFloorSound added with value BladeHit.
HitSound added with value BladeHit.
ImpactSound added with value BladeHit.
MaxDamage changed from 0.3 to 0.1.
MinDamage changed from 0.2 to 0.1.
WeaponLength added with value 0.17.
WeaponSprite changed from Knife to Scissors.
WeaponWeight removed.
Build 35.25b MetalValue added with value 8.
Build 30.12 EnduranceMod added with value 0.5.
Build 29.3 TreeDamage added with value 0.
RC2.9.9.10 ConditionLowerChanceOneIn changed from 20 to 1.
RC2.9 - Build 0008 ConditionLowerChanceOneIn changed from 100 to 20.
ConditionMax changed from 1 to 10.
CriticalChance added with value 5.
IsAimedHandWeapon changed from true to TRUE.
MaxDamage changed from 0.8 to 0.3.
MinDamage changed from 0.4 to 0.2.
MinimumSwingTime changed from 4.1 to 2.
PushBackMod changed from 0 to 0.3.
SwingTime changed from 4.1 to 2.
WeaponWeight changed from 0.7 to 0.4.
Weight changed from 0.8 to 0.4.
RC2.9 - Build 0007 Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Scissors
	    DisplayCategory = Household,
		MaxRange	=	0.9,
		WeaponSprite	=	Scissors,
		MinAngle	=	0.65,
		Type	=	Weapon,
		MinimumSwingTime	=	2,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact	=	0.02,
		Categories	=	SmallBlade,
		Weight	=	0.4,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	=	1,
		PushBackMod	=	0.3,
		SubCategory	=	Stab,
		AimingMod	=	0.8,
		ConditionMax	=	10,
		MaxHitCount	=	1,
		IsAimedHandWeapon	=	TRUE,
		DoorDamage	=	1,
		SwingAnim	=	Stab,
		CriticalChance	=	5,
		DisplayName	=	Scissors,
		MinRange	=	0.61,
		SwingTime	=	2,
		KnockdownMod	=	0,
		Icon	=	Scissors,
		TreeDamage  =   0,
		EnduranceMod = 0.5,
		MetalValue = 8,
		MinDamage	=	0.1,
        MaxDamage	=	0.1,
		WeaponLength = 0.17,
        DamageCategory = Slash,
        DamageMakeHole = TRUE,
        BreakSound	=	ScissorsBreak,
        HitFloorSound	=	ScissorsHit,
        ImpactSound	=	ScissorsHit,
        DoorHitSound = ScissorsHit,
		HitSound	=	ScissorsHit,
		SwingSound = ScissorsSwing,
		AttachmentType = Screwdriver,
		CloseKillMove = Jaw_Stab,
		Tags = Scissors,

See also