Dry Ramen Noodles

From PZwiki
Revision as of 22:17, 11 August 2015 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Updated ramen noodle description, stats, added info as in newitems.txt, removed erroneous info due to out of date, left notice on ramen noodle bowl, added linkage, added version mention.)

A pack of Dry Ramen Noodles is a non-perishable food which does not rot over time. Dry Ramen Noodles are found usually inside house kitchen cupboards. Eating them before being put into a recipe will replenish -15 hunger but will add +40 thirst to your character.

It can be used as an ingredient in cooking soups and stir frys, and considering its non-perishable nature, is a useful stored item.

Note: In former versions, you could craft a Bowl of Ramen Noodles using water + bowl + ramen; this is no longer the case now that all soups can be divided by bowls, and ramen now is simply a ingredient.

Evolved Recipes

Product Nutrition
Stir Fry
Stir Fry


item Ramen
		HungerChange	=	-15,
		Weight		=	0.2,
		Type		=	Food,
		ThirstChange	=	40,
		DisplayName	=	Dry Ramen Noodles,
		Icon		=	Ramen,
		EvolvedRecipe   =       Soup:15;Stir fry:15,
		FoodType	=       Pasta,
