Empty Orange Soda Bottle

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Revision as of 07:22, 17 August 2014 by Nhatorama (talk | contribs)

Empty Orange Soda Bottle

To get an empty Orange Soda Bottle, simply drink an Orange Soda and the empty bottle will go automatically in your inventory. Currently, you can use an Empty Orange Soda bottle near faucet near you. It will give you 1 Water Bottle (Orange Soda) which is used the same way as a regular Water Bottle. It can hold the equivalent of 10 mugs of water.



item PopBottleEmpty
	Type				=			Normal,
		DisplayName			=			Empty Pop Bottle,
		Icon				=			Pop_empty,
		Weight				=			0.1,
		ReplaceOnUseOn  	=			WaterSource-WaterPopBottle,
		CanStoreWater		=			true