Frequently Asked Questions/zh-hant

From PZwiki

All Q&A are based on version, the latest stable release.



The game must be purchased through Desura, and downloaded either via the Desura client or from the Desura download page (after logging in).
As of November 2013 the game can also be purchased through Steam Early Access. All that is required for this is an account and some money on hand.


Unzip the game file. Open the unzipped file and double click on the .bat file of your choosing based on the type of computer you have and what it can handle. The proper .bat files are named something like this: ProjectZomboid - (Resolution) - (display). For example, ProjectZomboid - Medium - Fullscreen may be the best to start out on if you are unsure of the processing power of your computer system.
If using steam simply install and run the game.
Download the application and extract the .app into your applications folder.
Please follow the Linux installation howto.


Depending on where you purchase the game you will receive your login and password in different ways. If you purchased the game from Google Checkout, then you will receive an e-mail from Indie Stone Games that will contain your login and password. If you purchased your game through Desura, Desura will provide you with a key.

如果我是使用Google Checkout購買過這遊戲呢?

Obtain a Desura key by redeeming your purchase.


Yes! Absolutely. Head over to this post to get more information.


Yes! As of September 2012, Project Zomboid has been greenlit! You will be able to transfer your Desura copy to your steam account.
As of September 4th, 2013 - Steam keys are available for current players [1].
As of November 2013 you can now purchase the game through Steam!

What if the game added x?

Always good to have suggestions and the team seem to pride themselves on hearing out ideas. If you think your idea would make the game better then you can head over to the forums and post the suggestion in there. It is a good idea to go check the Commonly Suggested Suggestions first though, to make sure it hasn't been recommended and thought about already. You may also want to read the Compiled Suggestions & How To Write A Suggestion as well before making a post.



Yes! There is an unofficial Manual created by fellow survivor EreWeGo. You can download it here. There is also a REALLY basic manual that is loaded upon starting your game. It tells you the very basics of movement, combat, and the infected horde. Not meant to be a survival guide that can last you for weeks and months, but something that will help new players find their way around the game.


你行動的時候估計弄了很大的噪音出來。 離殭屍很近的時候, 按住 CTRL 以進入潛行/戰鬥 模式, 可以減少噪音。如果夠遠了,你就可以普通走動。除非要緊急脫離險境,否則絕不跑動(扯淡,我會告訴你跑動有多節約時間?)。 直線視線也是相當重要。 如果你從窗戶看見殭屍,那麼他們也能看見你。這會導致它們不停想要衝進來,直到你採取行動為止。








You have triggered a burglar alarm while entering a house. It will attract zombies from far and wide. Run!






Until NPCs are implemented, these event sounds have been employed to facilitate the migration of zombie hordes, so beware.


Just because a zombie is down on the ground doesn't mean it's dead. Technically it's already dead after all. Always make sure to approach a zombie and crush it's skull in, otherwise it's just going to get back up and come after you.





在The Indie Stone時就有提到未來可能新增載具。



This seems to be a common problem. Here's some words from Lemmy:

"We say on the load page of the game, currently we have performance issues. Please use 30FPS frame locking as default, and only try 60 FPS after that point if you've already had success.

Because of the high level of simulation going alone, along with the way the current isometric world is constructed to work in 2D, and until we make some planned big changes to the rendering, 60FPS will likely be out of reach for most but the highest specs.

Please try 30FPS first and only move up if you get a stable 30. If a HD player, please consider playing in 720 instead of 1080. It still looks really nice (better with a good FPS) - again, move up to full HD if your PC can deal with it.

There'll come a point soon where this is no longer necessary, but it's slightly frustrating for the team and mods that we put that warning and 30FPS defaults in there to make sure people don't dive in to an awful FPS, and because of their prior assumptions about their specs people's first action is to move it from the defaults we set up to ensure everyone had a playable FPS.

Thank you!"

If you are running Gamebooster or any gamebooster type program, please close it. These programs are not actually helpful and can actually cause more problems with Project Zomboid by having it on. So please, while playing the game have it off.


When booting up Project Zomboid you'll probably notice you have two options available to you. One is just a normal run Project Zomboid, while the other says Safe/Compatibility Mode. If you are experiencing such problems, then try running the game in this mode. If the problems persist head over to the | support forums and create a report there.


噢!你遇到一個討厭的錯誤,最好的處理方式就是回報她,她將會被修正。Quickly, figure out where you are (use this if you require a hand with that) then head over to the map bugs thread and create a report. Hopefully the bug will then be fixed in the next update.