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The generator is an Electrical device that allows the player to generate electricity even after the power cuts out. It is fueled by Gas Cans. Each gas can adds 40% of the generator's tank size. As useful as the device is, it is only recommended to use the generator if you have a large stockpile of gas cans.

How to Use

First find a generator, these are most often found at warehouses but can be found in tool sheds. Place the generator in your house, preferable an empty room. Note: The generator makes noise and may attract zombies. Right click on the generator and select "Connect Generator". This will connect the generator to your home's power system. Next, you are going to need Gas Cans. Go to the Gas Can article to learn about the currently known locations for the gas can. Right click on the generator and click add fuel, this will add 40% of the generators tank size of fuel to the generator. It takes 2 1/2 gas cans in order to fill the generator completely. You currently need an electrical level of 3 to operate a generator.


Generators use 1% (total capacity of tank, not current level of fuel) of fuel per hour, and loose 1% of condition per hour as well. Scrap Electronics can be used to repair a generator.

Place generator nearest the house or structure you want powered. Connect the generator using the menu command (right click on generator). Can only add fuel to the generator whilst it is off.