Hot Cuppa

From PZwiki

A hot cuppa is a item that is crafted by using sugar, an empty mug, a full kettle, and a tea bag/jar of coffee. It doesn't have any purpose except for satiating thirst. However, it is the only way to use tea bags and coffee. As of the current build, it is temporarily unavailable.


Moodles: -50


! Name ! class="unsortable" | Recipe ! class="unsortable" | Description |- |
| | | ||


item Mugfulll
	Type				=			Food,
		DisplayName			=			Hot Cuppa,
		Icon				=			MugFulll,
		Weight				=			1.0,
		ThirstChange 		=			-50,
		ReplaceOnUse		=			Mugl,
    FatigueChange = -7
