Mac and Cheese

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Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Index -> Food -> Non Perishable Foods -> Mac and Cheese   
This article may be in need of improvement.
Editors are encouraged to add any missing information to the article, while verifying that the article's current content is correct.

Mac and Cheese is a non-perishable food item which is often found in kitchen cupboards. It does not require anything to open and cannot be improved beyond its -40 hunger bonus.

Nutritional Information

It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 126
Proteins = 21
Lipids = 12
Calories = 690


    item Macandcheese
        Type			= Food,
        DisplayName		= Mac and Cheese,
        Icon			= Macandcheese,
        Weight			= 0.5,
        HungerChange 		= -40,
        Carbohydrates 		= 126,
        Proteins 		= 21,
        Lipids 			= 12,
        Calories 		= 690,
        Packaged 		= TRUE,
