Pants (disambiguation)

From PZwiki


The trousers are the only article of clothing wearable on the legs. It is commonly found in wardrobes of many houses and in the corpses of defeated NPCs. There are 5 different colors for trousers. If the trousers are taken off off, the character will walk around in his boxers. The trouser warms the character wearing quite a lot.


Name Recipe Description


item Trousers
	Type				=			Clothing,
		BodyLocation		=			Bottoms,
		DisplayName			=			Pants,
		Icon				=			Trousers,
		Palettes			=			Trousers_Brown/Trousers_Grey/Trousers_White/Trousers_Blue,
		PalettesStart 		=			Trousers_,
		SpriteName			=			Trousers,
		Temperature = 8

