
From PZwiki


Template:Items A long gardening tool that is most commonly found in boxes. The spade is light and fast while being capable of doing some serious damage before breaking. Unfortunately, as of the moment, the sprite is missing.


item Shovel
	Type				=			Weapon,
		DisplayName			=		Spade,
		Icon				=		TZ_Shovel,
		Weight				=		2.0,
		SubCategory    		=     Swinging,
		MinAngle			=			0,
		MaxDamage			=			1.9,
		MinDamage			=			0.8,
		MaxRange 			= 			1.5,
		MinRange 			= 			0.61,
		CriticalChance			=			10,
		PushBackMod			=			0.5,
		HitAngleMod			=			-30.0,
		SwingAnim			=			Bat,
		MaxHitCount 		=			1,
`		WeaponSprite		=			Shovel,
		IdleAnim			=			Idle_Weapon2,
		RunAnim				=			Run_Weapon2,
		Weight				=			1.5,
		DoorDamage			=			5,
		MinimumSwingTime 	= 			2.1,
		SwingTime			=			2.1,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 		0.02,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn 	= 	10,
		ConditionMax 		= 			200,
		Categories 			=			Blunt,
