Spiked Plank

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Revision as of 21:40, 28 March 2012 by Auchtor (talk | contribs)


An improvement on the normal plank. The spiked planks increase the push distance of the normal Plank by 2 or 3 times, making this a very effective weapon for pushing through a crowd of zombies. It has more durability than the baseball bat, so it is much more useful when running is the best plan.


Name Recipe Description


item PlankNail
	Type				=			Weapon,
	DisplayName			=			Nailed Plank,
	Icon				=			PlankNail,
	MinAngle			=			-0.2,
	MaxDamage			=			0.8,
	MinDamage			=			0.6,
	MaxRange 			= 			2.0,
	SwingAnim			=			Bat,
	WeaponSprite		=			plank,
	Weight				=			8,
	WeaponWeight		=			2.5,
	DoorDamage			=			5,
	MinimumSwingTime 	= 			15,
	SwingTime			=			26,
	SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 		0.2,
	PushBackMod			=			2.5,
	ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 	5,
	ConditionMax 		= 			8,
	Categories 			=			Improvised,

