Water Bottle (Whiskey)

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Water Bottle (Whiskey)


Using an empty whiskey bottle on a faucet will give you one whiskey version of the Water Bottle.
This version of the water bottle acts the same way as a regular Water Bottle, and the water is consumed automatically.

The whiskey bottle weights 1.4 pounds, making it heavier than the traditional bottle of water. The whiskey bottle provides a little more water than a Water Bottle, but the additional weight over the Water Bottle makes the Water Bottle/Water Bottle (Orange Soda) the better choice to carry around.

To refill a bottle of whiskey, one must drag and click the bottle of whiskey in a faucet. Doing this will refill the bottle of whiskey. After a random number of days, the water works will fail, and you will have to rely on the stockpiled containers, as refilling no longer works. It can hold the equivalent of 12.5 mugs of water.


Name Recipe Description


item WhiskeyWaterFull
	Type			 	=			Drainable,
		DisplayName		 	=			Water bottle,
		Icon			 	=			Whiskey_Water_Full,
		Weight			 	=			1.7,
		ReplaceOnDeplete 	=			WhiskeyEmpty,
		UseWhileEquipped 	= 			false,
		UseDelta			=			0.08,
		ReplaceOnUseOn  	=			WaterSource-WhiskeyWaterFull,
		IsWaterSource		=			true,
		CanStoreWater		=			true
