Wedding Ring

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Revision as of 00:00, 23 January 2014 by Connall (talk | contribs) (Added deletion notice.)
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This page is a candidate for deletion.
Reason: This page is a stub, the item in question is not exceptionally notable that it requires it's own page. If no issues are raised this page will be deleted and any useful info will be collapsed into the Items table. -Connall
This page (and any subpages) will be deleted after being reviewed by an admin, and no one has objected to its deletion. Users may discuss this request for deletion on the page's talk page. Once added, this should only be removed by an admin, or the user that added it.

Template:Items A very rare jewelry item found on corpses. No known use. Comes in two variations, one with the diamond, and one as a gold ring without the diamond on it. The one with the diamond on it is probably meant for the woman and the one without the diamond is more likely to be meant for the man. Template:Items


item WeddingRing_Man
		Weight	=	0.2,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	Wedding Ring,
		Icon	=	WeddingRing_Man,

	item WeddingRing_Woman
		Weight	=	0.2,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	Wedding Ring,
		Icon	=	WeddingRing_Woman,