Build 31

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Build 31.13

Date: April 13, 2015
Forum: Build 31.13

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed "House in the Woods 2" font glitch with some languages.
  • Sledgehammer destroys entire staircases instead of one tile at a time.
  • Disallow destroying the floor tile at the top of a staircase. The floor tile will get destroyed if the stairs are destroyed and the floor tile is not adjacent to other floor tiles.
  • Added translation for "Are you sure you want to delete that player?" in Challenges.
  • Client deletes chunk files it has that the server does not have, this prevents loading obsolete chunk files.
  • The player is moved down to solid floor when joining a server if the thing they were standing on was destroyed while they were logged out.
  • Server performance fix: server creates zip files to send to clients off the main thread.
  • Fixed "Lighting updates" option not selecting the 45 or 60 values after loading. (Issue #001582)
  • /grantadmin and /banuser give more informative message when the user is not in the whitelist. (Issue #001579)
  • Automatically climb down a sheetrope if there is no floor to stand on at the top.
  • Fixed water tiles running out of water.
  • Fixed drinking directly from a tainted-water tile not increasing food poisoning.
  • Fixed being able to sledgehammer sheetropes.
  • Fixed exception with the chat window if the mouse button was never clicked.
  • Fixed equipped flashlight not being unequipped when building Lamp on Pillar. (Issue #001588)
  • Fixed food sometimes not rotting in multiplayer.
  • Made /teleport multiplayer admin command faster.
  • Fixed multiplayer map corruption caused by a static variable being used from different threads. (Issue #001486)
  • Limit the numbеr of blood splats saved. The client limits the numbеr of splats when rendering, but the server never did.

Build 31.12

Date: April 6, 2015
Forum: Build 31.12


  • Added translations for most of "House In The Woods 2" challenge.
  • Added server commandline option "-port" which overrides the .ini option "DefaultPort". (Issue #001578)

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed "Trousers" not being translated in character creation.
  • Fixed exception with shirtless Last Stand players.
  • Fixed NullPointException when opening doors when there was no square on the other side.
  • Fixed map corruption in multiplayer caused by reading + writing the same file from different threads. (Issue #001486)

Build 31.11

Date: March 30, 2015
Forum: Build 31.11


  • Added Hook.AutoDrink so modders can disable automatic drinking.
  • Added coop PVP. Pressing the multiplayer "Toggle Safety" key toggles coop PVP.
  • Log multiplayer object addition/removal to Logs/*_map.txt to make it easier to catch griefers.

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed infinite batteries from "Remove Battery > All" action.
  • Prevent racking on Hardcore reloading when the left mouse button is held down. (Issue #001524)
  • Fixed scratches from broken windows sometimes not showing bleeding.
  • Remove stitches when scratched by a weapon.
  • Fixed cutting a cooked fish fillet into infinite pieces. (Issue #001541)
  • Don't allow checking/removing fishing net from > 5 tiles away. (Issue #001538)
  • Round LastStand item repair cost up to the nearest integer. (Issue #001539)
  • Fixed player's XP level going up twice when a new level was reached. (Issue #001533)
  • Fixed chat window resize behavior. (Issue #001552)
  • Fixed removing bandage/stitch multiple times by click-spamming. (Issue #001555)
  • Preload some sounds to avoid hitching the first time they are loaded.
  • Food items use the burnt/cooked/rotten texture when on the ground. (Issue #001535)
  • Fixed campfire light radius being wrong when first lit.

Build 31.10

Date: March 25, 2015
Forum: Build 31.10


  • Added "NoFire" option to server's .ini file. (Issue #001435)

[Bug Fix]

  • If you had any of these issues can you test that they are fixed:
  • Fixed error clicking the ADD button to add a server to the server list.
  • Fixed Beginner/Sandbox settings being applied to Challenge/Survival games.
  • Fixed water/electricity shutoff not being synced between Lua and Java (stoves not working)

Build 31.9

Date: March 23, 2015
Forum: Build 31.9


  • Added food spoilage to some new types of food. (Issue #001504)

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed camping/farming/trapping breakage right after loading in singleplayer. (Issue #001502)
  • Fixed loot-rarity sandbox option not working the first time a map was loaded in singleplayer. (Issue #001500)
  • Fixed translations breaking evolved recipes. (Issue #001499).
  • "Make Can of" - > "Make Jar of", "Open Can of" -> "Open Jar of" renaming.
  • Fixed snow appearance not being synced in multiplayer.

Build 31.8

Date: March 22, 2015
Forum: Build 31.8


  • Draw progress bar in Health window when bandaging a deep wound.
  • Splatter blood in a radial pattern when stomping a zombie. Might change it back to directional, blood tended to fly for 100 feet though.

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed racking being interrupted when trying to fire a Pistol. (Issue #001488)
  • Added "Rack Firearm" keybind, X by default. Only for Hardcore reloading. It used to be spacebar, but Melee uses spacebar now. (Issue #001494)
  • Fixed stomping on multiple zombies at once.
  • Fixed bug loading a player that was created with no clothes.
  • Fiddled with "charged attack" damage. Fixed charge time affecting firearm damage. (Issue #001492)
  • Display name of food items that have no hunger reduction (canned food, cigarettes, etc).
  • Fixed recipe exception when the base item wasn't food (bowl + cabbage = salad for example). (Issues #001497, #001490, #001496)
  • Fixed happiness/boredom bonus from spices being 100x less than they should (salt/pepper give +2 each). (Issue #001491)
  • Fixed Last Stand bug with non-English language. (Issue #001489)

Build 31.7

Date: March 21, 2015
Forum: Build 31.7


  • Added MinutesPerPage server option. This is the nuмber of gameworld minutes it takes to read one page. The default is 1.0.
  • Added translation ѕupport for challenges. Made it easier to add challenges via mods. (Issue #001483)
  • Added Melee command (Spacebar or left trigger) to shove/stomp.

[Bug Fix]

  • Create a KeyRing when importing pre-build-31 players.
  • Try to convert old 5-level XP to new 10-level XP when importing pre-build-31 players.
  • Fixed stacked-crate sprites getting messed up when destroying objects. (Issue #001444)
  • Skill-book multiplier affects 2 skill levels. This is controlled by the "NumLevelsTrained" property in items.txt for books. (Issue #001439, #001441)
  • Fixed issues highlighting objects when the mouse pointer is over a Key.
  • Fixed non-Key items being added to a KeyRing.
  • Fixed container sounds in the inventory window (zipper opening, etc) being lost after reloading.
  • Fixed adding sheets to carpentry window frames in multiplayer. (Issue #001450)
  • Couldn't add/remove CombinationPadlock.
  • Mousing over a CombinationPadlock would highlight all doors/windows/thumpables.
  • When removing a Padlock, the key would not be removed from the player's KeyRing, leading to duplicate keys.
  • Locked containers could still be viewed in the loot window.
  • Added a background under moodle tooltips to make the text readable on snow days. (Issue #001451)
  • Fixed the Pause key (F2 by default) unpausing the game in the main menu. (Issue #001447)
  • Fixed an exception in IsoMetaGrid.load() when using custom maps.
  • Prevent zombie attacks when an open door is between the zombie and player. (Issue #001419)
  • Wrap long server descriptions in the server browser.
  • Fixed long text being drawn outside text entry controls.
  • Fixed player-death related NullPointerException when joining a server. (Issue #001463)
  • Fixed a multiplayer multithreading bug. (Issue #001465)
  • Fixed some wounds bleeding when the health panel reported they weren't.
  • Fixed FastReader/SlowReader traits. (Issue #001472)
  • Fixed losing XP when the trait multiplier was < 1.0 for a partially-read book.
  • Fixed thump sounds playing when zombies were on fire in multiplayer. (Issue #001467)
  • Fixed other players displaying the wrong equipped weapon in multiplayer sometimes. (Issue #001471)
  • The user can choose starting clothing and colors when creating a new character.
  • Fixed all items in a stack being unequipped when only the first was equipped. (Issue #001474)
  • Fixed table lamps turning back on after loading. (Issue #001473)
  • Fixed "You survived for" time being 0 minutes 0 seconds when player survived less than 1 hour.
  • Sleep dialog appears after walking to a bed/seat, goes away if player moves. (Issue #001420)
  • Drink Milk, don't Eat it. (Issue #001476)
  • Fixed being given Aiming XP for all potential targets instead of only the few that a weapon could hit.
  • Fixed zombie gibs causing tree-rustling sounds.
  • Fixed charging attacks having no effect on damage. This might need balancing.
  • Server "-adminpassword XYZ" command-line option bypasses the enter-a-password prompt when creating a server. (Issue #001481)
  • Fixed typo with has-a-cold moodle. (Issue #001482)
  • CDDAy challenge savefiles can be saved and continued. (Issue #001484)

Build 31.6

Date: March 12, 2015
Forum: Build 31.6

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed map-corruption bug (base overwritten by another part of the map). (Issue #001318)
  • Fixed fire-sprite syncing on burning characters in multiplayer. (Issue #001429)
  • Move items to main inventory before drinking or transferring water from them. (Issue #001427)
  • Fixed endurance loss from shooting guns. (Issue #001415)
  • Fixed starting Strength/Fitness levels (Obesity going away to soon). (Issue #001426)
  • Fixed "Fast Learner" / "Slow Learner" overriding XP boost. (Issue #001432)
  • Client scripts/ files must match the server's (same as for Lua files).
  • Fixed toggle-safety action being interrupted by attacking. (Issue #001433)

Build 31.5

Date: March 9, 2015
Forum: Build 31.5


  • Add some translations. The translationProblems.txt file (which is created when using the -debugtranslation option) now lists all missing translations in a form you can copy/paste into your translation files. It also reports different nuмbers of % substitutions.
  • Mods can add their own media/lua/shared/Translate/ files.
  • Recipes can use "OnGiveXP:MyLuaFunction" to award XP when a recipe is used. MyLuaFunction should take 4 arguments. See the top of media/lua/server/recipecode.lua for an example.

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed shoving zombies through closed windows. (Issue #001403)
  • Fixed reanimated player inventory syncing in multiplayer. (Issue #001418)
  • Fixed /addxp server command. (Issue #001416)
  • Fixed "panic" sound playing for reanimated players.
  • Fixed reanimated player walk animation being broken 1 time in 40 (caused gliding zombies).

Build 31.4

Date: March 7, 2015
Forum: Build 31.4


  • Added ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn server option.

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed map objects.lua files being loaded in reverse order.
  • Fixed passive trait levels increasing when they shouldn't.
  • Fixed Weak/Obese traits not being applied on skill level 1.
  • Fixed initial Fitness XP not being set to level 5.
  • Fixed graphical glitch in "Major skills" list (bars overlapped the text).
  • Fixed Strength/Fitness not decreasing due to laziness.
  • Fixed crazy-high XP Multiplier sandbox option causing infinite loop and sound spamming.
  • Fixed new coop players not getting level 5 in Strength/Fitness.
  • Fixed Disorganized trait breaking inventory management. (Issue #001374)
  • Fixed uncooked/rotten/alcoholic foods having no effect sometimes. (Issue #001408)
  • Fixed book xp multiplier not being applied to the correct levels. (Issue #001405)

Build 31.3

Date: March 6, 2015
Forum: Build 31.3


  • Added new 16 foods item
  • Added Frog in foraging


  • Reduce the damage done by panic in melee
  • Reduce the knockdown chance with panic

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed Strength/Fitness being reset on some profession/traits
  • Fixed some doors being locked from the inside and not unlockable without a key.
  • Fixed empty Kettle being cookable while the full Kettle was not.
  • Fixed traits from previous new players getting inherited by the next new player.
  • Fixed "Clean blood" not removing blood on the server. (Issue #001402)
  • Fixed chop-tree and remove-bush animation not taking endurance moodle level into account.
  • Fixed players spreading fires in mp when NoFireSpread=true. (Issue #001392)
  • Fixed server crash when a client adds an unknown type of item to the world. (Issue #001398)
  • Fixed "Fixed skill tooltips sometimes "sticking" to the mouse."
  • Fixed Drowsey -> Drowsy moodle tooltip typo. (Issue #001364)
  • Fixed servers not updating the public server list when PauseEmpty=true. (Issue #001378)
  • Fixed hit-testing in the skills panel.
  • Fixed level 9 skills requiring 75 XP. (Issue #001369)
  • Trees will not slow down /noclip players. (Issue #001393)
  • Fixed endurance not decreasing unless Asthmatic trait was taken.
  • Fixed keys looted from corpses disappearing in multiplayer. (Issue #001360)

Build 31.2

Date: March 4, 2015
Forum: Build 31.2


  • You're now able to clean blood, you'll need bleach and a dish towel or a bath towel
  • You can now boil tainted water in a kettle
    • Added more traits:
  • WeakStomach = "Higher chance to have food illness",
  • IronGut = "Less chance to have food illness",
  • Hemophobic = "Panic when performing first aid on self, cannot perform first aid on others",
  • Asthmatic = "Faster endurance loss",
  • Scout = "+1 First Aid and +1 Foraging",
    • More professions:
  • Firefighter: doesn't have the axeman trait anymore but sprinting, fitness and strength skill
  • Lumberjack: 2 blade, 1 blade maintenance skill, axeman trait (faster tree chopping)
  • Burger flipper: 2 cooking, 1 blade maintenance skill
  • Fitness Instructor: 3 Fitness, 2 sprint skill
  • Nurse: 2 first aid, 1 lightfoot skill


  • Balanced some traits cost (veteran now cost 8, reduced some others traits cost)

[Bug Fix]

  • /teleport now use the z axis
  • Fixed calcul in the foraging action
  • Fixed skill books level not working on previous save
  • Fixed new coop players not being given the Sandbox "starter kit".
  • Health window grows taller to show all injuries.
  • Fixed zoom in/out speed being affected by the game speed multiplier.
  • Fixed being unable to move keys to keyrings with the controller.
  • Fixed barbecue and fireplace menu options not showing with the controller.
  • Controller L3 button toggles run on/off.
  • Added more mutually exclusive traits.
  • Fixed profession trait bugs. (Issue #001367)
  • More profession trait fixes. (Issue #001373)

Build 31.1

Date: March 3, 2015
Forum: Build 31.1


  • Added more exclusive traits.


  • Balanced some Traits.

[Bug Fix]

  • Zombies should less group when they follow you.
  • Removed sleep related traits in MP games.
  • Skillbook now train 2 levels of skills (so still 5 books).
  • Can't play with curtains from the outside.
  • Fixed Veteran typo.
  • Updated Handy trait description.

Build 31

Date: February 10, 2015
Forum: Build 31


  • Keys:
    • You'll now spawn with a key ring and key of your house.
    • You can find additional keys inside containers and zombies who spawned in this house.
    • If you destroy a door corresponding to a a key you have, take the door knob and rebuild a door with it, you have the key! Perfect for your safe house!
    • You can mouse over a key to highlight surrounding doors that correspond to this key
  • Padlocks, 2 types:
  • "Mechanical", need a key, can be put on hand made wooden crates
  • Combinaison, you setup a 3 numbers code for your padlock.
  • [MP] Added a /noclip command for admins, if you set it to true, the players won't collide on anything
  • [MP]Added a NoFireSpread server option, if true, fire won't spread (but still trigger)
  • [MP]Added a AnnounceDeath server option, if true it'll show a message of who killed who, or who's dead (like [PVP] RJ killed Lemmy. or [PVP] Meabe is dead.)
  • [MP] Admin now able to add xp and teleport to a player.
  • [MP] Added a DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath server options, if true when a player die, he's removed from the whitelist.
  • [MP] Added ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn server option.
  • Player will now revive as a zombie after being infected and dead. Follow your character becoming part of a new horde and slaughter other poor players! (or being killed... Again.. Urg.)
  • You're now able to clean blood, you'll need bleach and a dish towel or a bath towel
  • You now have an option to craft all the stacks of something (having 7 logs? Right click, "Saw Logs" -> "All" :) )
  • Splatter blood in a radial pattern when stomping a zombie. Might change it back to directional, blood tended to fly for 100 feet though.
  • Added a key binding (default F8) to hide/show the ping (top left corner)
  • Hunger/Thirst reduction from base item now applied to evolved recipe (so if you used 25 hunger reduction to make your pie/cake, you'll have have this as a base when making your cake)
  • Added Melee command (Spacebar or left trigger) to shove/stomp.
  • [MP] Server "-adminpassword XYZ" command-line option bypasses the enter-a-password prompt when creating a server. (Issue #001481)
  • Added translation suppоrt for challenges. Made it easier to add challenges via mods. (Issue #001483)
  • Added "Rack Firearm" keybind, X by default. Only for Hardcore reloading. It used to be spacebar, but Melee uses spacebar now. (Issue #001494)
  • [MP] Added MinutesPerPage server option. This is the number of gameworld minutes it takes to read one page. The default is 1.0.
  • The user can choose starting clothing and colors when creating a new character.
  • You now have an option to craft all the stacks of something (having 7 logs? Righht click, "Saw Logs" -> "All" :))
  • Added a key binding (default F8) to hide/show the ping (top left corner)
  • Hunger/Thirst reduction from base item now applied to evolved recipe (so if you used 25 hunger reduction to make your pie/cake, you'll have have this as a base when making your cake.. Make sense? I'm not even sure what I'm saying, duh.)
  • Recipes can use "OnGiveXP:MyLuaFunction" to award XP when a recipe is used. MyLuaFunction should take 4 arguments. See the top of media/lua/server/recipecode.lua for an example.
  • Mods can add their own media/lua/shared/Translate/ files.
  • Fixed shoving zombies through closed windows. (Issue #001403)
  • Add some translations. The translationProblems.txt file (which is created when using the -debugtranslation option) now lists all missing translations in a form you can copy/paste into your translation files. It also reports different numbers of % substitutions.
  • Added new 16 foods item
  • Added Frog in foraging
  • Added tainted water:
    • You can now gather water from the river but it'll be tainted.
    • Same for rain collector barrel water.
    • Tainted water can still be drink but cause some food poisonning.
    • Boil it (only in pot or bowl) to remove the tainted
  • New Traits/Professions/Last Stand/Level system: Explained by the one and true Lemmy:
  • You have now 10 levels instead of 5, the level 10 correspond to the level 5.
  • Professions
Professions now often give skill points, and these tie in directly to the learning speed in those skills as well as the starting skill level. This is to further diversity character creation and make the professions feel like an actual previous experience exists instead of starting characters as blank slate.
Also professions are not all necessarily free, so there is the potential for some more powerful start professions to require negative traits to balance. Unemployed gives 8 points to start. This is very important for reasons that will be clear when we talk about the new traits.
So you may pick the Carpenter profession, and right out of the bat this gives you 3 points in carpentry. This not only means starting on level 3, but the carpenter will gain a 50% boost to XP in that skill.
The scaling goes as follows, based on the starting skill level:
0) 0.25x speed (eek)
1) 1x speed
2) 1.25x speed
3) 1.5x speed
4) 1.5x speed
5) -
This multiplier is permanent for the entire game. Even when you get to level 1 in a 0 level skill, you retain the x4 time to learn it.
The idea being that now, a carpenter with skills ONLY in carpentry may advance in carpentry at a fast speed. Their hopes of becoming an expert farmer any time soon are remote. So this further diversifies characters to provide much more varied runs in single player, and provides more potential for teamwork and specific roles in MP and ultimately NPCs. However a carpenter being doomed to ONLY ever be able to learn carpentry quickly is going to be in trouble, so enter:
  • Trait Revamp
A few big changes to traits
1) Currently non relevant traits have been removed until NPCs go in. Light Drinker and all the other cheesable traits.
2) We've added a ton more. Some need better names and others may be OP/UP and may need nerfing or point values changing.
3) To counter the fact that a profession may only allow leveling up a single skill. Specifically, a range of traits now act as hobbies. Say you pick 'Gardener' trait that says the character enjoyed gardening in their pre-apocalypse life. This will give a single point in farming, for example, and while this doesn't seem like a huge deal in itself, since its a character creation skill point, it DOES mean that they are now learning farming at a 1x speed rate instead of just 1/4th speed. This makes farming a viable skill to train up during a run. Think Morrowind minor / major skills. So now the player is encouraged to pick a few hobbies or other traits that round out their character with skills they intend to use, and now with little in the way of exploits with negative traits they will have to build some bigger disadvantages into their character to compensate. This is why unemployed gets extra points to start. They have the time to invest in hobbies, and need them to have any skills they can train at a decent speed at all.
I haven't done the descriptions for the professions / traits yet (want to run them through Will) or any UI elements to convey the starting skills or training speeds etc, but here is a list of professions and traits:
  • New professions list
Fire Officer (3 blade, axeman)
Police Officer (3 aim, 2 reload, 1 nimble)
Park Ranger (2 trap, 2 forage, 1 carpentry)
Construction Worker (3 blunt, 1 carpentry)
Security Guard (night owl, 2 sprinting, 1 lightfoot)
Carpenter (3 carpentry)
Burglar (2 nimble, 2 sneak, 2 lightfoot)
Chef (3 cooking, 1 blade maint, 1 blade)
Repairman (1 carpentry, 2 blade maint, 2 blunt maint)
Farmer (3 farming)
Fisherman (3 fish, 1 forage)
Doctor (3 doctor)
Veteran (desensitized, 2 aiming, 2 reload)
  • Traits
Not going to list them all, just the ones that may not be completely obvious.
Adrenaline Junkie - Can run faster when in top level of panic
Inconspicuous - Just naturally better at not standing out.
Packmule - Raises amount that can be fit into bags.
Disorganized - Lowers amount that can be fit into bags.
Self Defense Class - 1 blade guard, 1 blunt guard
First Aid (1 doctor - should be unselectable with doctor prof really. same with a few others)
Fishing (hobbie - 1 fishing, should be excluded for fisherman)
Gardener (1 farming, should be excluded for farmer)
Jogger (1 sprinting, better endurance)
Illiterate (can't read skill books at all)
Dexterous (Faster loot speed. should impact other things too in future)
All Thumbs (opposite of Dexterous)
Pacifist (slower at learning combat skills)
Brawler (1 blade, 1 blunt. Don't like this name, but basically someone who gets in fights regularly)
Plays Baseball (faster swing with baseball bat)
Hiker (1 forage, 1 trapping)
Hunter (1 aiming, 1 trapping, 1 sneak)
Gymnast (1 lightfooted, 1 nimble)
Insomnia (fatigue recharge when asleep very very low. Will likely wake up tired)
  • Challenges
Also in this version is a modified version of Last Stand menu that allows for challenges using the last stand challenge system but playing in survival game mode. I discussed this in an earlier thread that it's important to make this feel a more complete game, a way of unlocking additional challenges, a feeling of progression, and also providing some goals for players that may have none. Now the framework is there, so if RJ , EasyP, Turbo want to add any challenges, or for that matter everyone on here with some lua skillz chance to contribute. Want a fun challenge to be in the game? Make something and put it on this forum, and get it past the community and us and its in there.
Also there may be another challenge in there called 'A Really CD DA' which may be fun! :P
  • More stuff will be added as we confirm/finish test


  • Reduced a lot the dmg of fire on zombies
  • Zombies should less group when they follow you.
  • Reduce the damage done by panic in melee
  • Reduce the knockdown chance with panic

[Bug Fix]

  • Fixed infinite loop when building a second Lamp-on-pillar. (Issue #000417)
  • Fixed infinite loop when building a second Lamp-on-pillar. (Issue #000417)
  • Show Unhappiness change in Literature tooltip. (Issue #001342)
  • Transfer weapon upgrades from Shotgun when creating ShotgunSawnoff.
  • Allow adding/removing weapon upgrades on broken weapons.
  • Prevent zombies spawning behind stairs or in pillars.
  • Right Shift works same as left Shift to select multiple items in the inventory view.
  • Fixed ServerLOS thread not waking up after rejoining a server. (Issue #001326)
  • Stop all sound effects before exiting to the main menu. (Issue #001322)
  • Fixed OnCharacterCreateStats Lua event getting called when loading player corpses.
  • Do the "smooth scrolling" listbox-thing with the controller.
  • Replace existing parts of zones when adding new zones (to suppоrt custom maps better).
  • Fixed some controller issues in the main menu.
  • Forbid certain types of items being used as campfire fuel by setting tcampingFuelType to -1.
  • Remove reanimated-player zombies when doing a server soft reset.
  • Fixed LosUtil.lineClearCached() oscillating between visible/not-visible.
  • Skillbook now train 2 levels of skills (so still 5 books).
  • Can't play with curtains from the outside.
  • Display name of food items that have no hunger reduction (canned food, cigarettes, etc).
  • Draw progress bar in Health window when bandaging a deep wound.
  • Added a background under moodle tooltips to make the text readable on snow days. (Issue #001451)
  • Fixed the Pause key (F2 by default) unpausing the game in the main menu. (Issue #001447)
  • Wrap long server descriptions in the server browser.
  • Fixed long text being drawn outside text entry controls.
  • Fixed player-death related NullPointerException when joining a server. (Issue #001463)
  • Fixed a multiplayer multithreading bug. (Issue #001465)
  • Fixed some wounds bleeding when the health panel reported they weren't.
  • Fixed losing XP when the trait multiplier was < 1.0 for a partially-read book.
  • Fixed thump sounds playing when zombies were on fire in multiplayer. (Issue #001467)
  • Fixed other players displaying the wrong equipped weapon in multiplayer sometimes. (Issue #001471)
  • Fixed all items in a stack being unequipped when only the first was equipped. (Issue #001474)
  • Fixed table lamps turning back on after loading. (Issue #001473)
  • Fixed "You survived for" time being 0 minutes 0 seconds when player survived less than 1 hour.
  • Sleep dialog appears after walking to a bed/seat, goes away if player moves. (Issue #001420)
  • Drink Milk, don't Eat it. (Issue #001476)
  • Fixed being given Aiming XP for all potential targets instead of only the few that a weapon could hit.
  • Fixed zombie gibs causing tree-rustling sounds.
  • Fixed typo with has-a-cold moodle. (Issue #001482)
  • Fixed map-corruption bug (base overwritten by another part of the map). (Issue #001318)
  • Fixed fire-sprite syncing on burning characters in multiplayer. (Issue #001429)
  • Move items to main inventory before drinking or transferring water from them. (Issue #001427)
  • Fixed endurance loss from shooting guns. (Issue #001415)
  • Fixed toggle-safety action being interrupted by attacking. (Issue #001433)
  • Fixed reanimated player inventory syncing in multiplayer. (Issue #001418)
  • Fixed /addxp server command. (Issue #001416)
  • Fixed "panic" sound playing for reanimated players.
  • Fixed reanimated player walk animation being broken 1 time in 40 (caused gliding zombies).
  • Fixed map objects.lua files being loaded in reverse order.
  • Fixed graphical glitch in "Major skills" list (bars overlapped the text).
  • Fixed Strength/Fitness not decreasing due to laziness.
  • Fixed crazy-high XP Multiplier sandbox option causing infinite loop and sound spamming.
  • Fixed Disorganized trait breaking inventory management. (Issue #001374)
  • Fixed uncooked/rotten/alcoholic foods having no effect sometimes. (Issue #001408)


  • Updated the translations! (FR, DE, NL, RU, ES.... Everyone who posted in the official translation thread, thanks again guys, you're all a piece of heaven in awesome land)