Can of Oats

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Revision as of 22:20, 11 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Missing link in description common in other articles linking to non-perishable. Added.)

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   Navigation - Index -> Food -> Non Perishable Foods -> Can of Oats   

A Can of Oats is a non-perishable food item which is often found in kitchen cupboards.


Canned Oats can be used to make a bowl of oats by using a empty bowl pot.

A bowl of oats provides -8 hunger, -20 thirst.

It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Cupcakes provides when completely eaten: -50 hunger.
Carbohydrates = 405
Proteins = 75
Lipids = 45
Calories = 1500

Evolved Recipes

Evolved Recipes
Name Hunger Added
Bowl of Oats
-8 hunger, -20 thirst


    item OatsRaw
		Weight		= 0.8,
		Type		= Food,
		DisplayName	= Can of Oats,
		Icon		= OatsRaw,
		HungerChange 	= -50,
        	Carbohydrates 	= 405,
        	Proteins 	= 75,
        	Lipids 		= 45,
        	Calories 	= 1500,
        	Packaged 	= TRUE,
