Canned Spaghetti Bolognese

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   Navigation - Index -> Food -> Non Perishable Foods -> Canned Spaghetti Bolognese   

Canned Bolognese is a non-perishable food item which is often found in kitchen cupboards. It is a non-perishable item while it is sealed.
Canned Bolognese can only be opened with a can opener, and once opened it becomes a perishable item. A opened can of canned bolognese takes three in-game days to go stale, and five in-game days to rot.

Nutritional Information


It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 68
Proteins = 18
Lipids = 22
Calories = 540

Evolved Recipes

Product Nutrition
Stir Fry
Stir Fry
Roasted Vegetables
Roasted Vegetables
Rice Pot/Saucepan
Rice Pot/Saucepan
Pasta Pot/Saucepan
Pasta Pot/Saucepan


Sealed Can

    item CannedBolognese
        Weight		= 0.8,
        Type		= Food,
        DisplayName	= Canned Bolognese,
        Icon		= CannedBolognese,
        Carbohydrates 	= 68,
        Proteins 	= 18,
        Lipids 		= 22,
        Calories 	= 540,
        Packaged 	= TRUE,

Opened Can

    item CannedBologneseOpen
        DisplayName		= Open Canned Spaghetti Bolognese,
        Icon			= CannedBologneseOpen,
        HungerChange 		= -25,
        DaysFresh		= 3,
        DaysTotallyRotten	= 5,
        EvolvedRecipe   	= Stew:10;Stir fry:10;Roasted Vegetables:10;RicePot:10;RicePan:10;PastaPot:10;PastaPan:10,
        FoodType 		= Meat,
        Weight			= 0.8,
        Type			= Food,
        Carbohydrates 		= 68,
        Proteins 		= 18,
        Lipids 			= 22,
        Calories 		= 540,
        Packaged 		= TRUE,
        EvolvedRecipeName 	= Canned Bolognese,

See Also
